Chapter 1 - Bagend

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Gelli's point of view.

Standing at the small curved door of Bagend. Waiting for the courage to knock. Breathing in. I rattled a knock at the door, after a couple of seconds i was greeted by the annoyance of a hobbit.

"Evening Mr Baggins" I stated as I pushed my way through the door.

"E-evening" he replied in shock.

"It's you!" a voice boomed, "i did not know you where invited." the ignorance of family.

"Dwalin how nice of you" I stated.

"I trust since last you have not found him?" He questioned.

"I guess that will all change tonight" I said more like a statement than a opinion.

All the while Bilbo stood entranced by the presents of dwarves in his house.
Another knock at the door grabbed Bilbo from is day dream."Balin at your service Mister Baggins" the dwarf began. Pushing past Bilbo and reaching the room where we stood. His eyes fixed fast on his brother. Their heads collided to welcome each other. They stood discussing height and weight. I stood shifting off to the corner out of the way to allow space. Balin's eyes caught me in the corner. "Better or worse than elf company? he questioned.

My reply was short "better! far more rebellious."

"Good." changing his attention to his brother. "lets sort chairs for everyone, we all need to fitt."

And at that there was another knock, the brothers moved to find chairs leaving Bilbo to open the door and I walked into the porch to see whom it was.

Two dwarf lads stood the other side of the door they introduced themselves as Fili and Kili, not knowing who they were I introduced myself they stood in shock as i said my name, it scared me the look they gave me it was a look of judgment it was as if they were comparing me to something.

"Mister Dwalin do you need a hand" the one named as Fili chirped, that caught my unexpectedly. It had taken them time to get over my name but the two moved to help the elders. My name had never worried me so much as it had now. (My parents where things of legends.)A room was now arrange with tables and many chairs, more than Bilbo believed he owned, I took my seat in the corner of the room in the shadow of the archway. While the others pillaged the pantry for food.

After a long while there was a loud, sharp knock. Bilbo marched to the door while cursing under his breath. He reluctantly opened the door and several dwarves toppled in as Gandalf watch on. Each one introduced themselves Ori, Nori, Dori Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Oin and Gloin and then headed to the pantry to find food and drink to quench their thirst. While Gandalf stood in amazement at the hustle and bustle of dwarfs. I stayed unnoticed till the dwarfs had made their way to the table. it was a merry old gathering until Balin decided to engage me in conversation. Which took me in surprise as well as all those who did not notice me there."So Gelli hows the young lad now?" Balin said startling many.

"He's with his uncle in Rivendale." referring to it in its common tong so everyone understood.

"Who's the Young lad you talk off?" Kili questioned.

And at that moment I knew who he reminded me off... THORIN. He can't have son's? I thought the idea felt like a stab in the stomach. Was it possible? The idea made me gasp.

"Oh, Gerdin. My little Brother." I said sadly trying to get over the thought in my head. My mind wondered and all I wanted was for him be happy. Would he except me on this quest? It later transpired that the group had spoke of his location and why he was late as they ate. My discomfort was not detected by others, expected by Balin who sat watching my expression of thoughts.

Then they all burst into song bursting me out my day dream.

Chip the glasses and crack the plates!
Blunt the knives and bend the forks!
That's what Bilbo Baggins hates-
Smash the bottles and burn the corks!

Cut the cloth and tread on the fat!
Pour the milk on the pantry floor!
Leave the bones on the bedroom mat!
Splash the wine on every door!

Dump the crocks in a boiling bowl;
Pound them up with a thumping pole;
And when you've finished if any are whole,
Send them down the hall to roll!

That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!
So, carefully! carefully with the plates!

A loud aggressive knock came from the door.
"He is here!" Gandalf announced and all conversation was dropped.

The door opened slowly creaking as it moved. Relieving a handsome, majestic,mid-age dwarf. The sight made my heart beat increase."Gandalf" his husky voice started. " I thought you said it would be easy to find I lost my way twice if it wasn't for the mark on the door I would have never have found it."

"What mark there is no mark I painted it a week ago" Bilbo protested

"There is a mark for I put it there" Gandalf defended.

"Now to business" said Thorin pushing past the others to the table and the plate of food that was left for him. The dwarves quickly found their seats and sat discussing various things while Thorin ate. I however was avoiding any conversation in the hope of staying hidden. However my hopes were quickly dashed when Fili kicked me under the table and addressing me by my name. Thorin's eyes raised from the plate to meet mine, the look of anger and disgust on his face. He the proceeded to talk to Gandalf.

Before Thorin spoke a word. Balin butted in and suggested I help him take the left overs into the kitchen. I started to gather the leftovers glancing over my hand I noticed that the skin had started flake away slowly revealing my burns. I speed up frightened what the others would say. As I moved into the hall the burn on my hand reveals my bones and still the skin peals from the rest of my arm. The seiring pain greets my body as I stubble in shock Balin rushed over to steady me. But its too late and the darkness claims me.

Balin comforted me as he tended to the wounds. When I woke moments later Balin had bandaged my right hand and arm to prevents the company seeing the gory, stomach turning sight. As my head cleared I gain enough control over the pain that the exposed burns on my face,cheek and neck covered with skin. Not leaving enough energy to cover the others i left them bandaged. Regaining my balance Balin helped me back into the busy room. All the pain hidden from the world behind my clouded eyes. While the group discussed the quest my mind fluttered in and out of the conversation Why could I not control my magic? and why now? these where the questions puzzling my mind. Making me feel very sick. I signed on the line and asked Bilbo where I could stay in the house where there was privacy and I then disappeared from the group. To confront my pain and scars.

Thorins point of view.

"Gelli" Fili started. How dare he bring her up in front of the company, however as I looked up her piercing pure green eyes stared back at me revealing her innocence and pain. She was here, with in reaching distance. The one thing I would give everything for inches away yet she felt further away than ever. I could see the hope flickering in her eyes.

How did Gandalf expect me to take her on the quest. I would not let her feel Smaug's wrath again. I would not let her suffer. Not again. Turning to Gandalf I wished to ask him of his motives of bringing her along. I was stopped when she abruptly stood fleeing the onslaught. My heart ached for her touch, her smell and her hope. How I missed it. When she returned with Balin she looked calm and at peace. she moved effortlessly to her chair. However her eyes told a different story ... a story of pain. After business was settled and she had signed the contract, even after my objection. She retired not looking at me the entire time. My heart ached so much. When I was free to move. I found the fire. Starring into it I started to sing. Allowing all emotions to find their home in my heart. Soon the company joined in.

Far over the Misty Mountains cold
To dungeons deep and caverns old
We must away ere break of day,
To find our long-forgotten gold

The pines were roaring on the height
The winds were moaning in the night
The fire was red, it flaming spread
The trees like torches blazed with light

On silver necklaces they strung
The flowering stars, on crowns they hung
The dragon-fire, in twisted wire
They meshed the light of moon and sun.

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