CHAPTER 8 ... Address To The World

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People of Earth

For many years, since the beginning of the Planetarium expeditions, much effort has been spent on finding the lost Phoenix.

We all have, in one way or another, a descendant on one of those ships that flew proudly into the beyond so long ago. If not by blood then via our aspirations and dreams of populating the stars.

Since the Phoenix flew off into the unknown, our prayers have been with them. From one ancestor to the next, we prayed and asked the God of our ancestors to keep them. To guide them.

The Phoenix departed so many years ago and disappeared amongst the stars and every United Confederate of Nations President has, after much deliberation with NASA, sent out manned and unmanned craft to search for them. They are of our blood after all. There is one thing us humans do well; we stick together. Every craft was sent out in a different direction, all planned and plotted by NASA.


When I took up Office, one of my first duties was to ask what I could do. Should I proceed in the footsteps of those before me? Should I send out more brave fellows to seek out our lost? They will return young and we will age and die. It is a huge responsibility, a decision not taken lightly by myself nor the seekers we send out. Already we have countless Seekers who have returned and are, to put it bluntly, feeling out of place due to them being over five or six hundred years old. But in reality they are only older by a few months or years. Their subjective lifespan has not changed. Nothing can move faster than light. Time slows down for anyone travelling at the speed of light,. We age because time moves on. Time stands still for nobody; unless you reach the speed of light. It is a vast region for one or two hundred craft to search. One can liken it to taking a child of five years of age and telling him to find an Easter egg that has been hidden somewhere in the world. The problem is that the world is much larger than what you and I believe it to be. Much, much larger. Where do we start? Where do we look? Under this rock or that patch of grass? In this country or that? The egg, after all, is so small and the world so large. Why the analogy of a child? My answer is quite simply because when it comes to space, we are infants. One small deviation, one degree out at the beginning and the Easter egg will be millions of kilometers from us.

I did not want to be responsible for sending out any of our young people, call me a coward if you will. I instructed NASA to send out countless of thousands of unmanned craft that would not only seek out life but also map the universe. Every one of those craft was sent in a direction of my own choosing. I played the field and I won.

Ladies and gentlemen, the Phoenix has been found.

Not only found, but the probe has also returned with an envoy. There is much that we have to learn from this envoy and until we do, nothing much can be said. To speculate at this time may be too hasty. There are many unanswered questions and I know, like myself, you are excited at the possibilities.

For over four thousand years our brethren have been lost, and now they are found.

Our prayers have been answered.

I thank you, one and all, for giving me the chance to do my duty.

"Are you sure this is right Blondie?" asked Sayed. He placed the hand written speech on his desk. He was to read it at the world press meeting in Cape Town in three weeks' time. "It's short, although I seem to get the gist of what you are trying to imply."

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