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cute bully
where are you?

in the library

cute bully

I'm reviewing the notes
you gave me for my test

cute bully

yes djdjjs

cute bully

hurry up then dork

cute bully
seen ✓


"I'm here!" guanlin yelled as he entered the library earning a glare from the librarian. he apologized and sat next to jaelin who was studying.

"do you understand it?" guanlin asked while panting. jaelin nodded, still studying the book.

"I'm starting to think that mrs. jung just hates me." she joked. guanlin smiled and pointed at the book. "i think you're making excuses." he deadpanned.

"how?! she always fails me!" guanlin rolled his eyes. "maybe if you didn't fall asleep in class AND when i was helping you, she wouldn't fail you."

jaelin pouted and turned back to the book. "i understand it now so stop bullying me." guanlin smiled and rested his head on the desk to where he could look at her face.

"how am i supposed to focus if you keep staring at me?" she said flicking his forehead. "how am i not supposed to stare? you're pretty as fu-"

"lai guanlin!" the librarian yelled. he smiled shyly and apologized again. jaelin snickered at him being scolded for the 2nd time.

"you being pretty got me in trouble." he said poking the girl who was trying to study. she ignored him as he kept poking her.

"guanlin." she said sternly looking at him. he quickly kissed her before running out of the library to let the girl study and she smiled.

"he's gonna make me fail." she said to herself.


"lai guanlin!"

before he can turn around, he felt someone jump on his back and he looked up. she held a paper in front of his face.

he widened his eyes and snatched the paper from her hands.

"you got a B+?!" he practically yelled as the jaelin got off of his back. she nodded and jumped up and down happily.

"this is the best grade I've ever had in math." she said joyfully. he smiled widely and hugged her. "see i didn't distract you...too much." he teased.

"i guess it's a win-win situation." she smiled up at the boy and he raised a brow. "i got a good grade in math, and you got a girlfriend."

"if you put it that way, someone might think i forced you to be my girlfriend." she rolled her eyes and smiled again.

"I got a B, I got a B." she chanted as she spun around. he smiled at his girlfriend who danced around like a dork, showing every passing body her paper.

she stopped as she noticed him, staring at her.

"thank you." she said with a wide smile. he smiled back and leaned down to kiss her cheek but was stopped by a loud voice.

"no PDA on campus, detention!"


this story was cliche as hell but it's still cute so yaga :)) i love lai guanlin bye

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