Chapter One

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"Oh and one more thing, Rory?"

"Yes, Finn?" He started getting nervous, for the first time i'd ever seen, fidgeting in his pocket.

He got down on one knee, opened up the most beautiful miniature box i've ever seen. "Will you marry me, Rory Leigh Gilmore, and make me the happiest man and father, alive?"




I couldn't even answer Finn right away, and I don't even know why, the last few weeks i'd thought about nothing more than marrying Finn, with everything i've known about him throughout college, throughout the last year. Did I love him? Absolutely! Did I want to be with him? That wasn't even a question needed to be asked. I think the biggest thing stopping me, was because my mom wasn't here. She hated the society lifestyle, not that she ever really considered a part of society, but none the less, he was. She knew what she had to do.

She picked up her phone, scrolled until she found who she was looking for and hit the little green button, it only took 3 rings before they picked up.

"Rory, is something wrong?"

"No, nothing is wrong, but I do need to come see you, alone, if that's ok?"

"You know you never need to ask, how soon will you be here?"

"Well, we're in Hartford now, so maybe 30-45 minutes just for the drive, is that too short of a notice?"

"No, that's perfectly fine, I'll have Caesar take over the diner for me, and do you want to meet at the house, the diner, the Inn, where at Rory?"

"The house, would be fine, Luke, thank you."

"I'll see you within the hour, hun."

Hanging up the phone, she went back into the house.


"Yes, love."

"I hate doing this to you, now of all times, but would you mind if I took a trip to Stars Hollow by myself for the day, to talk with Luke?"

"Not at all, love. I would figure you'd want to talk to someone, I remember your pro and cons lists from college." He started snickering, which also made me laugh. My mom would probably be laughing in Heaven as well.

"Thank you, I may be there for the night, and sleep at mom and Luke's, so i'm going to pack an overnight bag."

She was ready in 15 minutes, after getting some things together, she kissed all her babies, and gave Finn a hug and kiss goodbye, and promised to call, once she got to Luke's diner.

The drive all the way to Stars Hollow was uneventful as normal, and as promised she picked up her phone and gave Finn a call, to let him know she was safe and sound.

"Love, I take it that you make it ok to the Diner?"

"Of course, an uneventful ride, no harm done, nothing eventful to report, Finn. I love you."

"I love you, too. Tell Luke I said hello."

"I will." And the call was disconnected as I was walking into the diner, my phone rang. It was an unknown number, which I usually don't answer, but for some reason I had.

"Hello," I said into the phone.

"Rory?" I heard her voice, and dropped my phone.

"Rory, are you ok?" Luke asked in a worried tone, picking up my phone and, and trying to hand to me, which all I could do was look at it, and back up to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2018 ⏰

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