The day i sat and did and said nothing

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"Why,why did I do this to my own family, she was all I had left... I feel so selfish for leaving her there. Everyone staring at me cuz we were hugging as I was Why Austin why did. I have to leave her??" I said. Austin kinda just looked at me.. "That's just kinda how u are.."
"Why u say kinda? Just call me at 518*******. K bye gtg home."There is 2 new kids one named Praysis and Ryan.They looked familiar but they looked at me they were good people,but not good people as in progress of going home. They run up to me asking " Hey do you know which way Nott Terrace is.?" I said "yes,go straight down take your first left (and so on)" Austin calls me and finally asks me why do u feel so bad for leaving the hospital..?" " I left crying I was never let back in the room to see her. Cus she died when I left the hospital room.w as I selfish for leaving so I didn't kill my self??" I said tearing up." No u just didn't want to be in there anymore,u didn't want to get all worked up for something that's not ur fault.. ok well go too sleep get some rest. I'll be at ur house in the morning ok.. ok. See ya bye." He said " bye babe" I said

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