The worst nightmare!!

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Today was the most horrible day of my life. "U need to go to collage hunny,you have already missed six days of school and Mr.O'Connor (the superintendent) said that u need to come in today or you shall never go back, hunny just go make me happy..."Mom says. I get up outta bed with a throbbing headache just wondering what is going too happen next? Me being rapped again last night,or me falling in love again with the wrong guy. I get up. I get my black denim ripped up jeans, and get my grip top that says"fuck you" I never get into trouble Cus my mom is the principal
I finally get into the car with my pop tart, listening to the beeps out side and all the construction. I ask mg mom,"Do u think we can go home a little earlier today?" Asking that made me want to shoot my self in the head.she ignores.We get to the school,she tells me to go to room 234 to talk to the superintendent- s. I talk to Mrs.O'Neil and Mr.O'Connor. They both talked to me about my dorm and my classes, ugh so boring!!! I had to share a room with a boy the boys were full all of the dorms. He is sexy. His name is Austin Dillian

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