Chapter 1:A moment to remember

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A little boy with bright,blue eyes and blonde hair ran from a young girl with blue hair with silver eyes.

Some might say she's exotic some might say she's unique,others might think she's  crazy,but she doesn't really seem to give a signal care in the world,since she's been called many things in her past....

The boy jumped up on a big stage,sadly for him their was no one their yet,thankfully for the girl their was no one their.

The boy took the microphone off of its stand and was about to start singing.

''Mathew Peterson,get down here this instant!!,your making,not only a fool of me,but of yourself!!''

''Averie,their no one here to embarrass you,so take a chill pill''

He finally took a big intake of air and started singing.

'Cause it's too cold~,for you here'

'Two mouths,one house,no shirt no blouse'

'So let me hold~ both your hands in the holes of my sweater~'

Averie was amazed by his voice,she always was,she had the biggest crush on him in the world and typically her mind wondered and thought if this was love,what she felt.She 'knew',that she would never be that lucky girl to catch his heart,how wrong could she be.


She looked up to him with wet,cold teary eyes,not knowing that she had been crying.

'Your crying?,are you okay?' He asked Averie

'Yeah,I'm okay Matty'.

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Averie's p.o.v

I woke up with a start,beads of sweat falling off my forehead.

Lying next to me,was my adoringly,adorkable boyfriend,Matt.He looked like he was burning up,I put my hand up and onto his forehead,turns out I'm right.

"Matt,Matt,Matt,Matt wake up,you've go to wake up,ok?,then you can go back to sleep,alrighty?"

I shook him slightly,and then roughly trying to get him to wake up.

This has happened before,just started to actually,the first time I called an ambulance,the next time I just shook him until he woke up.After each time,it took longer and longer for him to wake up,I started to wonder,what if he suddenly wouldn't wake up?

We had given the hospital some blood to test and see what's going on with him,we were now just waiting for the results.

"Att,Matt,Matt-,oh your awake"

He smiled sheepishly,unsure of how to replay,except for a peck on the lip which he gave me,a loving,tender gesture given to me from him.

I chuckled lightly,"are you feeling well?" questioned.

"I'm a little dizzy,my bodies a little ache-y and tingly in my arms and legs–and yeah that's pretty much it sweetie."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2018 ⏰

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