Chapter Two

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Nick Fury

"Hey. Guys, we're having a meeting at headquarters in twenty minutes. I want everyone there. I don't care if you're getting a pedicure or your car's getting an oil change. Everyone is gonna be there, or you don't want to know what's going to happen to you." I hung up on the Avengers after the little speech, despite a few protests.

I had something important to discuss.

"Okay, good. You all showed up. Now, this speech applies to everyone, but especially to you, Cap."

He looked up. "What?"

"Captain Rogers."

"Yes, sir."

"Your daughter has been found."


"Yup. A not-exactly-fifteen-year-old girl by the name of Elizabeth Sarah Margaret Rogers."

He sat there in shock, as did the rest of the team.

"How come you didn't tell me earlier?" He was freaking out.

"You would have wanted to see her."

"I still do!" He said, indignant.

"Exactly. She's currently in an undisclosed location, being looked after by Natasha. She needs the time to settle into the century."

"Why is Nat looking after her instead of me?" He yelled.

"Cap, this is why. She had been looking for evidence of your survival for nearly ten years before she took a plane, solo, and began flying around looking for you. The plane somehow malfunctioned, or ran out of gas, and she crashed a few miles north of where you had. The same men were hired for the job, and, ironically, she had a small model of your shield with her, and a picture of you and Peggy was found on the control table in front of her.

"It seems that once someone receives the Super Soldier Serum, it is genetically passed on to the future generations, and Elizabeth has what seems like the same amount of Serum running through her bloodstream as you do. That's probably how she survived, the same as you did. In fact, she reacted the exact same way as you did when she woke up, and the resemblance is quite clear.

"Elizabeth is very obviously yours and Peggy's daughter, and we want to run a few tests to see how the Serum has affected the body of a teenager, though we can't run the tests without yours and her permission. We, for obvious reasons, have not told her that her father is still alive, but we hope that once she has adjusted, you two will be able to meet and possibly live together, if you'd like to."

Rogers sat there in shock. How was this possible?

The rest of the team seemed to be as well.

"I didn't even know I had a daughter..." He whispered. "She never had a chance to tell me. Oh, Peggy."

"I...wasn't even aware that you had a daughter, Captain," Vision said quietly.

It seemed a while before he replied. "Neither was I."

Elizabeth Rogers

I punched the punching bag chained to the ceiling with fiery intent. I couldn't stay cooped up in this cottage for too long. I was a city girl, even if I wasn't from this century.

Punch. Punch. Punch.

(Elizabeth, it won't hurt a bit.)

Punch. Punch. Punch.

(You lying doctors, it'll hurt like hell.)

Punch. Punch. Punch.

(It's just a small needle, Elizabeth, you don't have to worry.)

The Captain's DaughterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang