Chapter 2: Rehearsal

Start from the beginning

The director echoed a yes and made the adjustments, everyone seemingly unphased by the comment. So why was Yoongi the only one blushing?

"Suga-ssi?" The directors voice pulled Yoongi from his own thoughts

"Ah, ye," Yoongi steps forward. "Please lower Jimin's voice to the same level as the others and raise the music playback by 1 db."

Many of the members laughed but all Yoongi could hear was Jimin. He looked back to him, "What?"

Jimin smiled, a sight often making Yoongi weak kneed these days, "Hyung hates my voice."

Yoongi knew it was a joke, but felt a need to clarify, "It's not that. You're just so damn loud. I can't hear myself think."

Jimin laughed again, a sound that Yoongi noted would never get old, and slapped his arm. The spot he touched left a small tingle on Yoongi's skin.

"Ye~" The director called again. "Let's go again to check the levels. Any song you choose."

"Cypher!" Taehyung yelled, dabbing to an unheard beat.

Namjoon pushes the younger aside and speaks to the director, "Let's do DNA, track 4 please."

The director agreed and the lights dimmed, leaving the members to take their places. Taehyung trudged slowly, upset his request had been ignored.

The music started and the rehearsal went smoothly. Jimin's voice no longer rang supreme in Yoongi's earpieces. Causing a split of emotion somewhere between relief and disappointment. A feeling that disappeared when they touched, holding their hands and rolling the music through their arms as the choreo demanded. It was one of his favorite parts, another mental note added to Yoongi's post-it covered mind.

• • • • • • • • • •

The rehearsal ended without any problems and the seven were back in their dressing room getting changed for the show. The make up artists and fashion staff hadn't made it to the room yet so the boys were alone to change their clothes. Sejin and the other managers and PDs were discussing the show in the hallway outside.

Behind the blue curtain in the corner of the room, Hoseok, Jin, and Namjoon were getting changed. Taehyung and Jungkook sat on the black sofa, playing games on their phones and shouting every few minutes in joy or anger: it varied. Yoongi sat on the couch beside them, scrolling through some lyrics on his phone. Still having trouble.

"Oh, Hyung," Jimin's voice was soft as Yoongi looked beside him to see the younger leaning over him, sitting on the arm of the couch. Jimin's small hand reached for Yoongi's phone, their fingers brushing each other. Yoongi began to feel a little warm as Jimin leaned in closer, "Is this the song you're working on. You've added lot."

"Yah, Jiminie, don't you know I'm a musical genius," Yoongi said playfully, shaking his shirt a little to ease the warmth.

Jimin chuckled lightly, the sound almost like music to Yoongi's ears. Jimin parted his full lips to speak but was interrupted by Namjoon. "Yoongi-ah, Jiminie, you can get changed now," Namjoon said, fumbling with the buttons on his blazer as Jin comes in to help: Eomma as usual.

Jimin grabbed Yoongi's hand and pulled him behind the curtain. Without missing a beat, Jimin removed his shirt. Yoongi turned towards his own clothes, sliding off his own sweater. From the corner of his eye he noticed Jimin's bare olive skin. His back was smooth and free of any flaws. The muscles slightly defined from his years of dancing. Yoongi found himself wanting to touch the small freckle on Jimin's shoulder but decided that would be odd.

Yoongi managed to get his slacks on and almost button up his shirt without focusing too much on the soft look of Jimin's skin.

"Fuck-" Jimin cursed, his foot catching on his pants and losing balance.

Before he knew it, Yoongi was on the floor. His back hurting from landing on the hard tile. His breath was labored under the weight of Jimin's body on top of him. Yoongi could feel the air get hotter around him. He was sure his face was red. But so was Jimin's. They stared at each other for what felt like an eternity but Yoongi couldn't break his gaze. That is, until Yoongi realized Jimin's small hand was on Yoongi's bare chest. Hidden a little beneath the cloth in the opening Yoongi had failed to button. He also noticed Jimin's pants were around his ankles.

Yoongi's cheeks blazed red hot as Jimin, realizing where he was touching, pulled his hand back. "O-oh shit, Hyung I-I'm so sorry."

"Y-yah! J-jiminie! W-where are you touching?" Yoongi choked out, his throat suddenly dry as the Sahara.

Jimin's face looked as red as Yoongi's felt, "S-sorry h-hyung!"

They both stood up, their eyes unable to meet. Yet there was something magnetic pulling at Yoongi. Making him catch glimpses of Jimin's toned stomach and possibly the shape of his bottom beneath his boxer briefs. Possibly, Yoongi lied to himself as they both finished dressing.

They could hear the staff begin to filter into the dressing room. The room outside the dark curtain growing louder. Jimin turned towards Yoongi, who was absent mindedly blocking the only exit from their shaded curtain world. Their eyes still failed to meet. But as Jimin slid past Yoongi, he leaned close. His breath warm on Yoongi's ear, "Your skin is super soft Hyung." The words clouding Yoongi's mind. The breath causing Yoongi to bite his bottom lip, desperately trying to keep the room from spinning as he listened for Jimin to join the others.

Once alone behind the curtain, Yoongi released a breath he was unaware he had been holding. It was enough to make his chest a little sore. Skin still warm from Jimin's hand. Yoongi's heart pounding in his chest. He tried to tell himself that the breath had caused the dizziness and the fast thumping in his chest. But he knew he was lying to himself. He was feeling something else... Something new but familiar.

Something confusing.

Something complicated. Very complicated.

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