The Beginning

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1 year earlier:

Diamond pov:

I woke up to loud banging. I was in the tub taking a bubble bath because I needed to relax since im 4 months pregnant. My stomach is large and its starting to get bigger. Ive been under alot of stress lately. Jacob Perez(Princeton), my boyfriend beats me and I dont know what to do.

He is so abusive and I just cant take it anymore. He says im his property and im not leaving for nothing, and since im pregnat he is very over protective. Ive been going through this for almost 4 years. Ive tried everything to get away from him but I always end back up with him.

I feel like one day im gonna explode. He doesnt hit me because im pregnat, he just uses verbal abuse or shoves me. Prince wasnt home and I think someone is in the house. Even though he hurts me I know he still cares about me enough to protect me, or atleast protect the baby. I got out of the tub slowly and grabbed my blue towel.

I wiped my face and wrapped the towel around me. I went under the bathroom cabinet and got a hammer. Then I quietly walked out of the bathroom and cautiously made my way down the spiral staircase. The banging was getting louder and louder as I reached the door of the living room.

I pushed it open to see Princeton turned around banging his head on the wall. In my head im thinking what the hell. He was scaring the shit outta me but I was relieved their wasnt someone trying to break into the house. I lowered my hand with the hammer in it and sighed in relief.

"Umm h-hey Prince, baby are you okayy". I was scared because he was acting weird and he's always torturing me. He turned around and his eyes was bloodshot red."Bitch did I ask you to worry about me",He said with his words slurring.

He started walking towards me, I got scared and started backing up towards the wall. He came right in my face and stared into my eyes. All im thinking is he's not going to hit me, this baby is too precious to him to hit me and risk the babies life. He turned around about to walk away and then SMACK!! I held my face thinking to myself this is typical he would do something like this when he said he wouldnt.

Tears started filling my eyes as anger filled into me. I was thinking about just leaving again but I knew that would never work. I knew what I had to do......... I had to kill Jacob Perez.

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