"Oh ok..well hey dressed and then come down... I'm going late to work anyways...I'll make you some nice breakfast..and then you can take Advil."

"Ok thanks mom"

"No problem" she says walking out of my room

I had decided that today I was gonna wear a tang top back shirt and some black jeans with some white converse. I also just let my hair down because...I didn't fell like doing anything to it. I did put a little heat on it with my curling wand and I also did put a little product in it because of I didn't my hair would be all over the place. And as usual I just did my makeup natural.

My outfit

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My outfit

 My makeup

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My makeup

 My makeup

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My hair

Once I was done getting dressed I headed down stairs. When I entered the kitchen it's like I entered heaven..it's smell so good..wow I really could get use to this.

"Carter you good?" A familiar voice says

I immediately open my eyes and see Jackson. What In the hell is he doing here. The bus..I thought to myself THE FUCKING BUS!

"Yeah I'm good" I send him a fake a smile.

"It's ok that I invited Jackson..maybe you can take him to school today sweetie?" My mother says to me

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