17. Exposed Secrets

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      "Such a small bus, filled with so much tension. It almost hurts."

      After running onto the bus, Peter made sure to avoid Luna's eyes at all costs. She'd been glancing his way throughout the entire trip, feeling guilty about not being able to process anything Mia was saying to her. Ned was sitting away from Peter, his eyes trained on something out of view, only making Luna more curious.

      Luna's eyes trailed over to Liz, the girl leaning over the back of her seat, eyes narrowed at her. She gestured over to the other side of the bus, where the team was running drills. "Between you and Peter," She added for clarification. "Though, you and Flash are up there with all the hatred radiating off for one another."

      Luna frowned. "I don't hate him." Mia let out a snort. "I don't! He just... infuriates me. I don't hate anybody." It was the truth, while Flash was up there on the list of most annoying people she's ever encountered, it didn't mean she hated him. He said stupid stuff, all the time, but it was typically never directed towards her. Not that that made it any better, seeing as he'd speak awfully about her boyfriend, which was the same thing as insulting herself in Luna's mind.

     Unintentionally, her eyes trailed over to Peter again, his back facing her as he answered the question Liz Allan asked the group. Her frown deepened as he told them it was good to be back, knowing well that he wasn't actually back. She wasn't as oblivious as Peter seemed to think she was, it only took her fifteen minutes of pondering to realize that he was most likely going after the guys he mentioned before.

      "See, this is what I don't get." Liz's voice snapped Luna out of her daze, her gaze snapping back to her friend. "You and Parker. You insist that you two haven't broken up," her voice dropped to a whisper, "and that you love him," Luna's heart clenched, "so why are you sitting here looking like a kicked puppy?"

      Luna was at a loss for words. Because Liz made valid points, and it wasn't like Luna could defend herself, because that would require revealing Peter's identity. She was quickly distracted when Peter stood from his seat, phone pressed to his ear as he moved to the back of the bus where Ned was. He momentarily made eye contact with her as he passed the three girls, before quickly breaking it, focusing all his attention on whoever he was on the phone with.

      "Oh my god, is Peter cheating on you?" Luna's head snapped to Mia, a look of disbelief on her face upon hearing her friend's accusation. Even Liz looked unimpressed, shaking her head at Mia. "What? I just don't understand how everything went to shit, everybody was so happy together! Cheating just seems like the only logical explanation."

      Luna shook her head. "He didn't cheat. I don't even think Peter's capable of cheating on me."

      "Then what the hell is going on, Moonie?" Liz questioned, her eyes narrowed. "Because lately it seems like you're in your own world, and me and Mia have just been tossed to the side. Can you just... let us help you with whatever this is?"

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