Cap 1. The bar

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It was almost 11:00 a clock in the evening; the lights of the trafic and skyscrapers where slightly seen by the other lights of the bars and restaurants. In one of these there was a very peculiar group of friends; they were nations actually: France, England, Germany, Italy and America .

F- God it's been a long time since we saw the little boy ey?

A- I may be younger than you old man but I'm more than 200 years old thank you very much!!

F- Hey ,I'm not that old ya know!!

E- Said the person who raised me and I'm more than 1000 years old

F- Proves that I'm not the only old person on this table

E-But I admit it with no regret other like you!

F-That's because you stick to the old fashion of your country, you even still have that old clock I gave you when you were nearly like, 100 years old?

E- Well– I like conserving most of my history and that does no harm, in' it?

F- Yea yea...

I- Well actually I'm the oldest country on this table so you are wrong.

G- Italy is right, I'm even younger than him!!

F- Well that's not the point!

A- Can we please leave the conversation doods, today is not the day for silly arguments ya know?

France and England agreed to then take there glass of wine/beer and take a good sip of there drink to then puff with goy .

F-(half drunk ) Heyyy americaaaaa..... you now that this guy over here (points to England ho was consideratedly also druk)
he was sooooo happy to get to see you againnnnnn hic-

E-I wasn't you French bastard!!!! ( takes another big sip of his bear ) Iiiiii waaaaaasn't

I-You now what will make you feel better? PASTA!!!

G- Italy now is not the time...

America smiles awkwardly to then look at England that was loosing his shirt and starting to take of his suit (the jacket only)

A-England, I think you drunk a lot so leave the glass plea-

E- Nowwwww Americaaaaaaa don't goooo waaaaaa!!!

A-I'm not going anywhere man I gust think you should  stop drinking for a bit

E- But (sniff) If we stop drinking that means that the party will finish and (sniff) and....

A-(a bit intrigued about what England was going to say )

E- You will go again ....

E-I'll mis you, you butt head!!!

America stud quietly, a bit embarrassed of what England gust confess to him.
But Germany and a considerable drunk France were arguing because he had tried to hook up with Italy, so they didn't hear.



E-I looooooove youuuuu
Ameri-hic- ca 

F-....I smell love I the air~

G-Italy we should get going

I- Whyyyyy?

G-I don't want to get into some lovers problem; and les if France is here to put fire on top of it


F- I wanna go with you guys pleeeeeeeas???

G- Italy run before he can catch up

And that said, America and England were left alone

Well I hope you liked it , I personally am very proud of this book.
If you want more leave the rest on the coments BY🖤🖤🖤

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