Howl in My Deep Beautiful Soul 4

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School was getting out next week and I would be graduating but why would I graduate with a class that has teased me all my life? I didn't have any friends at that school, McKneely Arts High School, yes I went to an arts school. My mom placed me there after she heard my voice, ya think that would change things but it didn't and my years of high school aren't something that's worth remembering. I was the weird girl, the loner and a whole bunch of other names. I was weird because I could do things, things that they couldn't.

I called my mom last night telling her I was applied for a 'college' and they accepted. I also told her that I would be going the as soon as possible. She agreed and she said she was proud of me.

Now I was packing, Bryce told us to put all of our clothes in a duffel bag and all our valuables in a box. For me it was easy, I didn''t have much but for Selena, well, she needed help. I chuckled at her yelling at Bryce, he went in her room to help her but she just screamed at him to not touch anything.

I peeked out my door and across the hall he stood in the doorway, overseeing.

I cleared my throat and he turned to me. He grinned at me and walked towards the door.

"What are you doing?" he whispered. I was on my knees behind my door, he bent down to where I was.

"Nothing. What are you doing?" I retorted, mocking him.

I stood up and opened the door wider so he could enter. He did and closed the door behind him after he turned to me. I looked at him questionably but he just starred at me.

"We need to talk," he said simply. I blinked, my breath caught in my throat. Please don't do this.

Neither Selena and I had told him about our lovely conversation, and I begged Selena to keep it that way. But in return, I would have to discuss with him whatever feelings I had. And unfortunately, he wanted to do that now.

"What about?" I croaked.

"Look I wasn't supposed to kiss you, but I wanted to make sure." he looked down then back at my face. He stood there awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. I looked up at him and swallowed. Where was this going?

"Of what?" I asked swallowing. Oh-no...

"I felt something...It's.." he gave up mid-sentence, then continued fumbling on his words, "Your, I think, my mate. No, actually I know it. My wolf form can feel it."

I felt lightheaded, knowing exactly what that was and what it entitled. My father had explained to Selena that almost every morpher has a mate. Its the animal in them, the part that is fused into their blood. Its an unbreakable bond between two willing people. I replied dumbly "Oh okay... that is exactly what?"

"I'm going to break up with my girlfriend when we get back," he sighed ignoring my question and oblivious to the daze I was in. "She'll understand because I've found you."

"No. No, don't do that," finally gaining some energy to talk "I don't want enemies. Especially if I don't exactly feel the same." I lied shaking my head. He avoided my question again, and starred at me. I tried to look everywhere except where he was.

"But, Lado I want to be with you," he pleaded stepping closer to me. I closed my eyes, I did feel something too but I pushed it down. I was going to a new school. No use in getting a love interest when there is going to be so many other people at Bairolin. Besides I had just met the guy.

"What is a mate?" I forced out, hoping he could just answer my question simply. I wanted to hear how he put it.

"Oh right, well its kind of like a special attachment to another of the opposite sex, whether its another morpher or someone else. The love only starts out with the morpher then moves to the mate. Its a bond that's inseparable." he explained somewhat thoroughly.

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