Howl in My Deep Beautiful Soul 2

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I set the mysterious boy down and Selena pounced, she growled and barred her teeth. She held him down with her paws and looked up to me for permission. He looked at her with wide eyes and averted his gaze towards mine. I smiled and shook my head. What was I going to do with him? I had a hunch he wasn't just a wolf, he had a reason for being here. Curiosity won out over logic, so I shooed Selena away. She growled at him once more before getting off of him and turning back into a human.

"Told you I don't like him," she sneered at him.

I rolled my eyes and crouched down to his level, "What do you want?"

He stood up and so did I, he put out his hand for me to shake, "I'm Bryce," he smiled at me.

"I'm Lado, and you didn't answer my question," I hissed, not shaking his hand, he took his hand away awkwardly. I crossed my arms and glared at him.

"Ok. The reason I'm here is because I was sent to invite you to a school. It's for people like us," he motioned to Selena, himself and me, making a circular motion with his finger. He contiued "It teaches you to control your abilities, mine, for instance, is to morph into a wolf, like your... friend here. Only, she is able to morph into many types of felines, she is much more advanced morpher, I am only allowed to morph into a wolf."

"Damn right," Selena snorted crossing her arms, hotly.

"What if I don't want to go? I already have a perfectly fine school here," I asked harshly.

"Well, almost everyone resists. So your not the first." he looked into my blue-green eyes. "And It's way better than any school your going to visit."

"Still, I would-" he cut me off.

"Like to stay here with..." he trailed off moving his eyes to rest on Selena. She snickered at Bryce and continued to stare hot knifes at him. He rolled his eyes as Selena heatedly looked at Bryce.

"Selena." I ended his sentence. "And yes I would." I turned around arrogantly. This boy gets on my nerves. I started to stalk off towards the front door to show him the way out. I didn't get very far.

He scoffed and rolled his eyes. Bryce put his hands in his pockets and starred at the ceiling. Then he reached my breaking point.

"Your father would want you to go." he muttered almost as if he didn't want my ears to hear the words forming in his mouth. My heart dropped and I whipped around in-closing the space between us. Which, to my surprise, was a few feet.

"HOW would you know anything about my father?!" I screeched, pointing a finger at his chest. My heart beat frantically, I felt my face heat up as I angrily clamored at Bryce. "What is your job anyway, Bryce? Hmm? Something fancy like knowing how to break into people's houses and know all about them?!"

He held up his hands in surrender, "I would tell you. But you know, it's classified."

Ugh, this boy gets on my nerves! "Get out of my house. Now." I breathed, hoping it sounded as demanding as I had imagined.

"Whatever, call me when you want to actually control your powers." Bryce handed me a card and with that he was gone.

My heart still beating 70 miles per hour, I looked to Selena for an explanation but she just shrugged her shoulders, oblivious to my state of being. "I think I've heard of people like him. Let me see that card." I handed it over and she read aloud.

Barolin School of Powers

"That's all it says. No number."

"Hmm, All I can think of was how big of a poopy head he was."

Selena agreed, scoffingly. I paced back and forth to get my thoughts together. Something tugged on my mind, and I snapped my fingers in realization.

"How did he get in anyway?" I turned to face her. She sheepishly looked at her feet.

"Sorry, my fault. I left the front door unlocked." She hurriedly continued on, "But in my defense, we live in the middle of nowhere, how was I supposed to know wolves can open doors."

I giggled, "How can you have lived so long but not known about locked doors?"

"Hey! I haven't lived that long! I only have 9 lives anyway."

I smirked! "How cliché of you."

She laughed and muttered a 'whatever' just as a black jaguar took her place. Her black fur reflected whatever bits and pieces of sunlight that drifted through the windows. Selena tossed her head as to indicate that she'd like to go into the back.

I nodded and followed her slow but sure foot steps.

I leaned over the edge of the wooden porch. Selena curled up on the lounge chair and I sighed, hoping that this day would end sooner than it began.

She reached my mind, 'Would it be crazy to say that I actually want to go? I mean sure he's a jerk. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't consider not going.' Selena popped her head up from where it lay curled next to her tail.

I looked over to her, and sighed. I replied aloud, "No, of course not."

We talked a while about nothing in particular until Selena morphed into a human again, bid me goodnight, and walked back inside. For a were cat she sure likes to sleep at night. I took her place on the lounge chair, still warm from where her big form had saved up the heat. I welcomed it as I got my thoughts together. The one thing that kept tugging at my mind that I could find the answer to was how he knew that "my father would want me to go" to this special school? Was he like me or am I like him? And in what way?

I let out a breath I had been keeping in ever since I heard the crash. I looked up at the few stars that were popping out as the end of the day was coming. It's about 8:00. Then, I went inside to shut off the dim kitchen light and to get a glass of water before bed. Yeah, I go to bed early so what, shoot me!

The house I share with Selena is a two story with 3 bedrooms, one is mine the other one is Selena's and one guest. We also have 3 bathrooms. The house altogether isn't that big; just big enough for the 2 of us. We are about 20 miles from town, we like to separate ourselves from all the hustle and bustle because of our powers. We wouldn't want any peeping toms. We are also surrounded by trees which is great.

I contact Selena once more before I enter my room, 'Goodnight.'

I climb into my queen size bed and slowly sink into all of the pillows and comforters that surround me. I snatch one pillow in particular and hug it to me, I turn on to my stomach still somewhat clutching the fluffy pillow. As I'm falling asleep I can't help but think, What am I going to do? And whatever my decision is, will it be the right one?

Howl in My Deep Beautiful SoulOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz