His Pain

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(!Warning! this chapter contains blood and self harm, If you are easily triggered, please proceed with caution.)

Jack's POV

As soon as I leave the room I am overwhelmed with regret. We had been having such fun, until I had been interrupted. Is that really all I am to you? An interruption? I thought we were closer than that... if thats really how you feel, well... I'm not in a particularly generous mood today. 

The words appear in my head of their own accord. They are followed by the most splitting headache. I groan and slump to the floor, I can't move, I can't speak or cry out, I am paralyzed. Ive never felt fear like this, Is this what my victims feel? Nevermind, its just so much more fun being the one causing the pain. Before I can continue the thought, an image appears before me, Its the man on the other side of the door. He is crying and trying to nurse his wounds. I feel no pity. The voice in my head chuckles, "he's a good looking bastard isn't he?" 

I smile through the pain at the thought, even with the bruises and cuts, he's very handsome. Suddenly, the pain stops and I drift into unconsciousness. 

Mark's POV

I lie on the table and mull over what Blue-eyes had said, the fun has just begun, or something like that. I wonder what he means and as much as I hate to admit it, I look forward to his return. He has only ever hurt me, only caused my pain. But slowly, I have fallen for him. The sound of his voice, in all its insanity, sends shivers down my spine. My arms burn gloriously from where he has cut away the flesh. Beneath his scars are my own, for I had drawn my own blood long before his knife had touched my skin. The pain he inflicted upon me, I deserved it all. I couldn't say why, but I knew my worth, or rather lack thereof. 

I am jolted out of my thoughts by a thud just outside the door. Was it him? is he hurt? I hate myself for being concerned for the blue-eyed monster, but I can't seem to control myself. I pound on the door and call out. 

I get no response. 


Thank you so much for reading, I hope you liked it. This is the first thing I have written that I would actually take the time to read. Needless to say, I don't really recommend my other works, but If you feel the need to check them out, go for it. I will be uploading every other day if not more. Thanks again, And I will see all you dudes, in the next chapter. 

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