Mercy glared at my mom then looked at me.

     "Well I'm gonna destroy your moms' bedroom so.....later!" She took off running up the stairs. The dress she was wearing showed off her purple kitty underwear. I couldn't help but laugh. My mom and Ryan would be officialy scarred.

     "She's not really going to destroy my room is she?"

     I gave her a look that told her I'm not responsible anything Mercy does. She just sighed and turned her attention back to Ryan.

     "So what do you say Ryan. One clothing item for a clothing item?" She waggled her eyebrows.

     "Why don't I leave and then she can try the dress on?"

     "You have no say in this. Take you clothes off now Ryan!" She shouted.

     Ryan looked scared. I would be too. She looked like a predator, or dare I say it; a cougar, getting ready to pounce on its' prey. That's exactly what my mom was, a cougar. She just couldn't keep away from younger men. This is such an embarrassment!

     "Fine." Ryan grumbled.

     He removed his school bag and placed it on the floor then removed his jacket. That's one clothing item.

     "Ronnie! Where's the bleach?" Mercy yelled form upstairs.

     "In the cabinet under the sink!" My mom looked scared out of her mind.


     "Ronnie, your jacket." My mom stated. She was not going to let me leave until this was done.

     Slowly I slipped off my jacket. Then it continued from there. Ryans' shoes then mine. His socks' then mine. His shirt, then mine. His pants, then mine. This happened to be the most embarrasing thing in the world. Im standing 87% naked in the living room with a 93% naked Ryan. I put my hand out for my mom to hand me the dress but it never happened. I looked at her and her eyes were on Ryan, or should I say south of his equator.

     "Mom!" I yelled.

     She suddenly snapped back to reality and out of her perverted daydreams and handed me the dress. It was a little bit too big but I quickly slipped it on and immediately I started having trouble with the zipper in the back. As I tried, I felt another pair of hands do the zipper for me. I turned around to thank my mom but before I could speak she whispered in my ear.

     "Would people look at me funny if they saw me caressing his bottom sensually?"

     "Mom, you would probably be put in jail. He's technically still a kid!" I whispered slashed yelled.

     My mom humphed and backed away slowly, taking in every inch of Ryan as she could. And when I say every inch. I mean every inch. I can't take this anymore.

     "Mom, I know it needs tailoring but how does it look?" I gave a slight twirl.

     "It's a bit large but I think I can handle it." She mumbled still staring at Ryan. Dear Ghandi.

     "Mom! I'm talking about the dress!" My face turned bright red. I know it. I just know it.

     "Oh. Yeah I can fix it." She said after snapping out of her thoughts.

     "Can we get dressed now. I'm cold." Ryan shivered.

     "Sure, follow me. I'll get you some clothes." My mom purred. I'm gonna hurl.

     "Mom! No! His clothes are on the floor in front of him." I walked over to Ryan and bent down to retrieve his close. I tried extremely hard to ignore the fact that my face was at his crotch. I scooped up all the clothes, grabbed his hand and led him into the den.

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