Chapter 2: The box and meeting the others

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Chapter 2: The box and meeting the others.


Chelbell2016 and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

*Power of the moon*

Chloe's POV:

Once I am calm I begin to wonder what I am going to do. I have nowhere to go. I have some money so I guess I can stay in a hotel for a few days until I can find the wind ninja's. But where do I start looking. Father had never taken me to to the wind ninja academy.

I decide to gather my things. Luckily as well as the silver box my father also passed me a bag with clothes and other essentials in.

If I did not know any better I would say that he has known about this for weeks.

I head to a hotel and pay for a room for a week. That should give me enough time to find the rangers. They hand over the keys and I head up the stairs.

After I have showered and changed clothes I decide to go and check out blue bay harbor. I head out and stop outside a sports shop.

I head inside and see a young brown haired man watching me. I do not say anything as I walk around.

Then a middle aged woman approaches me. "Hi can I help?"

I smile at her. "No just looking. You got some pretty good stuff out here."

She nods her head. "Do you have any sports that you do yourself?"

I nod. "Football, Motocross and skateboarding."

She smiles and leads me over to some gear for each.

"You know there's a motocross park not to far," she says and I feel my spirits lift. "Do you have a bike?"

I am about to say yes when I remember that my bike is at the now ruined academy.

"I've kind of lost it but I will get a new one," she nods.

I now know that I have made a new friend in blue bay harbor. The young man from before walks towards me and after greeting Hayley he turns to me.

"Hi," he says holding out his hand which I shake. "I'm Dustin. I do Motocross too."

I nod and smile.

"Chloe," I reply taking his offered hand.

"If you want I can show you all the places to go to do Motocross," he offered rubbing his head and giving me a small smile.

I nod. "Thanks."

So for the next few hours he shows me around. But then there is a beeping coming from his wrist.

"Um," he begins and I glance up at him. "I just remembered that there is something that I forgot to do."

I nod. "Thats okay. Its getting kind of late so I am going to head back to the hotel anyway."

He nods and then glances around. "If your not doing anything then maybe you can meet a few friends of mine?"

I nod. "Okay meet at storm charges tomorrow."

He agrees and we separate. I head back to the hotel.

*Power of the moon*

I get back to the hotel and go through my things. I am shocked when I see the box. I had forgotten about it until now.

I lift the lid and gasp at what is inside.

It is a device. It is Midnight blue and there is a crescent moon on top. I take it out and stare at it for a few seconds. Then I see that there is a note underneath.

It is from my father.

Dear Chloe,

I am giving you this morpher. With it you will become the midnight moon ranger. The other one is broken. You are the only one I can trust with such a great responsibility.

I am sorry that I cannot be there to watch you grow as a ranger. Your brothers and sisters would also be proud of you today.

When you find the other rangers and Sensei Watanabee they will explain the rest to you.

Take care my daughter,


I feel more tears spring to my eyes. I had of course heard about the wind rangers but I didn't think there were any other morphers out there. Turns out there were.

And out of all seven of the kids he raised my father trusted me to be the one to receive this morpher.

I sighed as I thought about my siblings. Ian, Nate and Kayleigh. They have no idea what has happened. I need to try and contact them.

I pull out my phone and go through my contacts. Who to call first?

I decide to try Ian.

I ring his number. After three tries he does not answer. So I try Nate.

"Hello," his voice answers.

"Hi Nate," I say trying to stop the worry from showing. "Its Chloe. I need to speak to you but I cannot do it over the phone."

He still manages to hear my tone.

"Whats wrong?" He pleads with me to tell him. "Chloe is everything okay?"

"Far from it," I say to him. "But you need to come to blue bay harbor where we can talk properly. Please Nate. I cannot get in touch with either Kayleigh or Ian."

He sighs. "I know where Kayleigh is. I will contact her and we will both be there soon."

"Thanks," I reply.

When we hang up I feel a little better. At least I now know that pretty soon I will not be alone.

I decide to take a warm shower and then get ready or bed. When I get out of the shower I glance at them box. Making a decision I take the morpher out and place it on my wrist.

Then I decide that I will wait and take it back off.

*Power of the moon*

The next day I get up early. I am meeting Dustin so he can introduce me to some friends of his. I hope that they are as welcoming as he has been.

I arrive at storm charges.

"Hey Chloe," Dustin says when he spots me. "You made it."

He leads me over to a man wearing red with dark hair and a girl wearing blue with blonde hair.

"Shane, Tori," he says as we approach the two. "I want you both to meet Chloe."

Shane shakes my hand and so does Tori.

"I've been told you like sports," Shane says crossing his arms. "You any good at skateboarding?"

I smile a little but shake my head. "A little. My older brother Ian he is a pro."

He nods. "I'll have to take you to the skate park at some point."

I am so glad I am making friends. "Thanks. I'd like that."

Tori rolled her eyes before turning to me. "Boys and sports. How about I show you around the shopping places around here."

So now I have some plans for the next few days.

*Power of the moon*


Hope you enjoy.

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