The moon academy attacked.

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This story was co-authored with Chelbell2016. Inspired by the Courtney Oliver stories. I hope you enjoy.

*Power of the moon*

Chloe's POV:

I am training with my Katana. It is nice to be able to train on the academy and use my special gifts without anyone knowing.

My adopted sister Alyssa approaches me.

"Hey Chloe," she says smiling. "Dad wants to speak to you."

I sigh but nod. My adopted father sensei Kungai is the head master of this academy. He is harder on us children then anyone else.

He has six biological children and me.

There is Ian who is 26.

Nate who is 24.

Kayleigh who is 20.

Alyssa who is 17.

I am 15.

Ryan and Rebecca are twins. They are 13.

Ian and Nate have both graduated and left the academy. Kayleigh has gone away to college but will finish her training when she returns.

Alyssa is in her last year before graduation. I am in my first year of proper training and the twins are doing there studies.

Our mother had died not long after the twins were born. She had a brother named Tommy who had invited me to come and visit him next school year so I can have a shot at a normal life.

But I do not know.

I had never really met the guy. Ryan and Rebecca say he is the coolest as he does martial arts.

I shook my head and reminded them that ninja is a form of martial arts.

I arrive at my fathers office and knock on the door.

"Enter!!" The voice says.

I do so and see that my father is sat at his desk.

"Ah Chloe," he says motioning for me to sit down. "Have a seat."

I do as he says and then I glance at a silver and black box that is stood between us.

"Um Alyssa said that you wanted to see me?" I said to him as I glance back at him.

For some reason I can see grief written all over his face.

"I have been sent word that the wind ninja academy has fallen," he says to me. "I fear that in no time we will be attacked as well."

I stare open mouthed at him.

"Well we can protect it," I State wondering why this was not a school meeting. "We can fight."

"You cannot change what is meant to be," he explains to me and I frown. "Now I am sending you and this special little box to blue bay harbor."

I stand up and glare at him. "I am not leaving you all. What about Alyssa? What about Ryan and Rebecca?"

"Like I said you cannot change your fate," he says but I shake my head. "Chloe. You and your special gifts are what is needed to end this madness."

I turn away.

"I can't leave you guys!!" I say but at that moment we hear screams from outside.

I run outside with my father but as we get there we see black and red footsoldiers attacking all the students.

I move to help the people I was raised with but my father grabs my hand.

"Take the box and create a moon portal," he orders me and I stop scared. "You are to go to blue bay harbor!! Find the power rangers!!"

"NO!!" I yell pushing the box back into his hands. "I WONT GO!! I WONT LEAVE YOU AND THE OTHERS!!"

"CHLOE!! LISTEN TO ME!!" He yells and I am shocked. "We will see each other again one day but for now you need to listen to me!! The only way to save us right now is to go to blue bay!! Contact Kayleigh, Ian and Nate and tell them not to come back!!"

He hands me the box and orders me once again to create a moon portal. It is the word we use for one of my special talents.

I cry as he is suddenly sucked into some sort of energy ball and carried away. I feel the tears run down my face as I hold out my hands and a bright silvery portal appears. It is as bright as the moon.

I think of blue bay Harbor as I enter it.

When I get there I see that I am in an alley. I drop to the ground and let all of my tears out.

I was alone.

*Power of the moon*


Hope you enjoy.

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