7. Drunk Nights

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Yea, He Follows me A lot

© 2012 All Rights Reserved

Okay well once again I’m way too excited about Updating that I’m going to Update before Reaching the 10 Votes I had asked for! Yey!

Another update, make sure to comment And vote Loves, for this Chapter and The one Before. Please ? 


"Hey," Damian called out to me. "We should go clubbing." I groaned. 

"Last time I went clubbing with you I ended waking up in some church." I yelled back, I could hear him laugh from where ever he was.

"Since we're on that subject, you never told me what happened that day."

I groaned once more, "Damian, you got me so drunk I couldn't even remember my Species, so what makes you think I'm going to remember how i ended up in church?" 

"Well mother would be happy to hear about your stop at church."

"I'm just glad it was church and not a street curb."

"Well Jesus saves the straight." Damian said coming out of the back. "I'm sure if it would have been me I would have ended up in some evil freaks dungeon just because I'm gay." I burst out laughing. 

"Damian, I'm sure that wouldn't have been Jesus' doing, you're into that creepy kinky stuff, so I wouldn't doubt that you would try to be fulfilling some drunken fantasy." he looked at me pensively before shrugging his shoulders.

"Eh, probably." i bit my lip trying not to laugh but it was just impossible. 

"You're weird." I said while laughing.

"And you are going out clubbing with me tonight." he said looking at me with his hands on his hips. 

"Damian!" I whined, but It was no use, I was going out tonight. 

Fighting with Damian was useless.


"Okay so you're options are...this really slutty skirt with this white see-through shirt and leather boots orrrr this super skanky dress with a low cut cleavage line and the same leather boots." he said while looking between both outfits. Omigod, he was actually serious!

"Where did you even get this clothes from?" I asked Stunned..

"From the back of your closet, is that really where you keep all the gifts I give you?" I laughed sheepishly.

"Oh, yea...hmmm, about that...funny story, really-"

"Shut up!"

"Okay, but I'm not wearing any of that." I said horrified. "I don't want to look like a hooker...a low paid hooker at that." Damian furrowed his eyebrows. 

"What's wrong with dressing up like a hooker?" he asked honestly. "Sherry...? Really? What's wrong with that?!"

I ignored him and looked through my walk in closet. "Hmm?" dress or tight skinny jeans?

I decided to go with a tight little red dress, it would probably be way too hot for jeans anyways, yes it definitely would. 

I showed it to Damian and he approved. 

"Now there's the sexy Sherry I have come to miss." he said winking. "So the leather boots?" he said still trying to shove his Skanky clothes on me.

"No, now put those away." I went into my closet and pulled out some black high-heels. They were killer but boy where they Hot. 

"Wow! Look at you managing to dress yourself up in a sexy outfit." he said looking me over. 

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