Chapter 25: The End of the Darkness

Start from the beginning

He had been asleep and was dreaming about his Daddy marrying Jocelyn when he was jerked awake by a very scared looking Jocelyn. She told him to hide and not come out until either her or his Daddy came and got him. So Daylan had done that one thing that he knew would help keep him hidden. He changed into a puppy and crawled under the desk and then squeezed behind it into his special place. It was his special place that his Daddy had made for him when everything around him was too big and loud.

Daylan curled into a tighter ball when he heard heavy footsteps move into his room and stop just inside. He could smell the bad man as he walked into his room. When the bad man started to talk everything in Daylan froze.

It was him!

The bad man with the scary laugh in his dreams, the one that said that he was going to come after him and his Daddy.

Daylan tried again to talk to his Daddy but he couldn't feel him, there was something that was blocking him.

He wanted his Daddy to come and make the bad man go away.

Just as Severus got to the corridor that led to his quarters his senses were assaulted with the horribly familiar backwash of Voldemort's magical signature. He could feel the wards preventing him from going any farther and Severus knew that the only one in the castle now that could break through these wards was Albus.

Turning around and taking off in a dead run toward the Headmaster's office Severus prayed that they wouldn't be too late.

Making the last turn in a slide Severus screamed out the password to the gargoyle and took three steps at a time until he reached the door. With out waiting to be acknowledged Severus slammed open the door and collapsed onto his hands and knees.

Albus stood up knocking his chair over as he rushed to Severus's side. "What's wrong?!"

Severus gasped and then finally was able to find his voice.

"Voldemort is in the school." He gasped.

"He is in my quarters and has warded off the corridor. I couldn't get in, Jocelyn is in there with Daylan and because of the wards I can't get through to Daylan's mind."

He turned and started back toward the stairs knowing the Albus would be straight behind him.

If he had been in any other state of mind he would have noticed that Albus hadn't been alone and that Minerva was quickly filling in behind Headmaster.

"Wait!" Albus shouted and then turned back toward the large tapestry of Hogwarts that hung behind his desk.

Severus and Minerva both stopped and turned to watch as Albus ran his wand in a circle around the entirety of the castle and whispered "Lockdown"

All around them Severus could hear the sounds of castle going into defense mode as they hurried down the stairs. As soon as they got to the warded corridor Albus immediately started tearing down the wards, muttering long strings of Latin and another language that Severus didn't recognize.

Finally after what seemed to be hours, which Severus knew to only be minutes, the final ward came down in a blaze of light and they were able to make there way to Severus's quarters.

The guarding portrait was destroyed, and the door was wide open.

When they made their way into the living room it looked like a disaster area. Almost nothing looked recognizable and there wasn't a thing that was in its original place. There was no sign of Jocelyn, Daylan or Voldemort.

Minerva's muffled gasp brought Severus's attention to were the book shelf used to stand and he saw immediately what had caused her reaction.

Jocelyn was there on the floor lying so still.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2014 ⏰

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