bonus : the wedding

Start from the beginning

I take ahold of Enoch's hand, he's smells of firewood, it's perfect. His grip is firm and comforting. His gaze is inviting and warming. And his smile is even bigger than mine.

Abe clears his throat, locking eyes with me then Enoch and his gaze seems to bring me back down to Earth. I can't help but notice the lines around his eyes have deepened with age, time has not been too kind to him.

"Shall we begin?" The Portman man's voice is so familiar and caring, it melts into my mind and I forget to respond.

"Yea let's begin." Enoch laughs and takes my chin in his rough hand. "We finally have each other, forever in peace." It's like he can read my mind, reassuring me that this is real and finally happening.

"We are gathered here today in this very special loop to celebrate the union of Enoch and Katerina in marriage. . ." Abe began softly and with a smile, causing the younger children to look at one another and giggle. "Do you both have your own vows?"

Enoch grins and I can see a spark in his stormy brown eyes. We had agreed to a simple sweet ceremony, nothing too romantic as almost all our guests were children. But I can tell how excited he is to tell me what hes written.

"Katerina Blair, I've spent years studying and inspecting hearts, but I've never seen one as complex and interesting as yours. My life before you was just mere existing like a homunculus, but you've truly brought me to life. Before I didn't know what I'd do forever in the loop, but now I feel there will never be enough time or perfect days together. I'll spend every second of the rest of my life protecting our world and making you as happy as you've made me. Katerina my love, give me the honour of being your husband." The words flow from his lips so smoothly and sweet like they're laced with honey. Heavy tears fall from my burning eyes and I cannot break our gaze.

He sees me, he knows the real me beyond the wildness and trauma. I've never felt more safe and like myself. I've found my home.

Enoch catches one of my tears in his hand and I wish for this very moment to last forever. No words, just small intimate touches charging our love.

"Katerina?" Abe grounds me once again and I let go of the breath I was holding. A small nervous laugh escapes my lips and I wipe the remaining tears from my face.

"I'm not as prepared as Enoch, but you're the light in my life when darkness swallows me. You haven't left my mind since the day I met you and no matter how many times I may forget. . . I'll always find you again. Nothing in my life made sense, it was all pain and surviving, but I would do it all again to meet you. I'll never be able to repay you for the life you've given me Enoch, thank you for making me your wife. I've never wanted anything more." Each word makes me love him more, a red glow erupts in his cheeks and his gaze softens as he tries to hide his tears.

"Do you Katerina Blair, take Enoch O'Connor to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Abe asks and I look into his eyes once more, I couldn't have imagined this day to be any more perfect.

"I do."

Third Person

Enoch slipped the simple silver band with one small diamond onto her warm ring finger while Katerina repeated the words silently to herself, everything she ever wanted fitting into those two words.

"I do, I do, I do, I do. . ."

"And do you Enoch O'Connor, take Katerina Blair to be your, somewhat lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Enoch said with so much love that it filled everyone's hearts with warmth and sent shivers down their spines. It was just as they remembered from Horace's vision.

The gold band was placed around the brunette's finger before he took Katerina's hand in his.

"Then I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride Enoch." Abe gave Enoch a shoulder squeeze as if saying 'take good care of her' but the Portman man didn't need to hear an answer to know - the O'Connor truly loved the Blair.

Katerina smiled before Enoch brought his lips down to hers, a small gentle kiss being placed, before pulling away, not wanting the small children to see so much - that was what Katerina loved about him, that he put them first before himself, always. Even on their wedding day.

"I love you O'Connor."

"And I love you Blair-O'Connor."


The children watched her dance on and on to the small music box that plays, her mother's music box, the blonde's bare feet hitting the grass before the music ends.

The two danced together as Miss Peregrine turned the music box's dial once more for the couple.

They turned together, mimicking each other's steps so that the dance had no faulters as they marked the ground with their moment of pure bliss.

Neither of them had expected to find true love and contentment within their loops. It felt underserving and almost forbidden, but after decades of suffering they both decide to just give in.

Enoch pulls Katerina's hips close to his own and sighs into her wild rose scented hair.

He silently wishes he could loop this very moment forever.

An: so very sorry it took me so long to post this, I just got back into this account and had to go back to edit bits of it.

Also I realize how confusing some parts are, ive been reading comments and I can barely understand sometimes lol.

If you have questions you can ask me here, I'll try my best to remember what my ideas were haha.

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