I whispered, "It may be best if we keep the true extent of my abilities quiet, although I don't mind if rumor of me being able to make plants grow becomes common knowledge."

No one replied, but I was quite certain that they agreed with me, even if Alex, Fiona, and Lucas weren't aware of the fine details.

Saphira looked around at the dozen bystanders, "Why don't we head somewhere quieter while people try to wrap their heads around this recent development? I have a feeling that seeing this tree fully recovered is going to make some heads spin."

I had a feeling it was another massive understatement in the making.

*     *     *

Alex sat down on the garden bench and kissed Fiona before turning to us, "Let's just say that the Council is completely stunned, and I have accepted the Council seat they offered me. I didn't say much, but I did tell them you have an odd magic that can make plants grow. They are still asking if someone can send word to the Dranek elders to inquire about sending someone here as a representative for the Dranek."

Saphira considered it and nodded reluctantly, "I can send someone off with a message, although I do wish that there was a closer waygate."

Alex shrugged, "There used to be one half a day's travel from here, but it collapsed."

Saphira looked at Alex intently, "Before I send word to the elders, please inquire if the Council would like that waygate fixed. There are a couple gatemasters among our people with that ability, and if a waygate stood there previously, then it can be built there again."

Alex looked surprised, "I will do that. It would make life much easier for Tarulk as well."

Saphira simply nodded.

Alex looked at me, "I also made the recommendation that the two Council members consider extending an invitation to the svipers in some capacity. It is probably only due to the fact that you caused the peace tree to recover that they even considered it, but they have agreed to permanently have one seat on the Council reserved for a sviper. Which is surprising since they are actually fairly scared of the svipers. The Council members have no idea how to contact them though."

The Council may have been clueless, but I had a good idea of how to get in contact with them. "I think I may be able to arrange that. I can use my magic to call one in and ask him or her to take the message back for us. Will that suffice? I don't think my magic can manage anything more complicated."

"That would work fine. There isn't any rush either, although having a sviper around may cause a few potential candidates to run for the hills."

I could only call people I knew or remembered fairly well. Among the svipers, that meant the Queen, King, Princess, or Schlach. My choice was pretty obvious. I focused on Schlach as I started to gently hum my call, being careful to frame my call as a polite request for his presence whenever it was convenient for him. I also included my location in the call.

The song peaked and I was pretty sure my message had gotten across. I jumped a bit as I heard Schlach's own deep hum, along with a sense that he would come, but it would be a day or two before he arrived.

It sounded like he was humming right beside me, yet I knew he was nowhere close by. It shouldn't have surprised me that they had their own magic tricks, but it hadn't even occurred to me that he would have been able to respond in the same way I had called.

Darien felt me jump and was watching me closely, "What is it?"

I shook my head to recollect my thoughts, "I wasn't aware that he was able to reply in a similar fashion. Schlach says that he will be here in a day or so."

The others looked at me in surprise, although now that I thought about it, I had never told them about their own singing magic. I had never managed to tell my full story either, but this wasn't quite the place or time for it. "Svipers have a singing magic that is somewhat similar to mine, although it is unable to heal."

They looked even more surprised than they had before. Alex replied, "I guess the old myths are true. I have a feeling that the Council meetings are never going to be the same again."

I grinned at Alex, "Well, if you really want to make them memorable, you can try to force Darien to sit through one."

Alex winced at the mere thought of it. Darien pulled me against his chest, "Never. The meeting would be adjourned early if only to get me out of the room."

I didn't mention it to Darien, but I had thoughts about observing at least one of those sessions if both the Dranek and the sviper were present. 

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