Moonlight (Reilin)

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Meilin knew how to dance.

Granted, she didn't do it often, and tended to avoid it, but as the daughter of a high ranking military personal, she had to know how to act like a lady.

So once she turned seven, she would go to the Palace's ballroom every Tuesday and twirl around ridiculously in an attempt to impress possible suitors. She never enjoyed the lessons, but they aided slightly in making her more graceful for fighting.

And her wild imagination aided in her pretending to cut off the heads of the boys who got a little too personal, which, thankfully only occurred once in a blue moon.

After joining the Greencloaks, dancing lessons seemed pointless as training became top priority, the world needing the Four heroes.

So, when she danced, it was never for leisure, she was interrogating someone, staying undercover, or learning her surroundings. She never danced to just dance.

As the war against the Conquerors died down and finally ended, Meilin started to have more time on her hands.

She remained at Greenhaven for a little while, doing what she does best by learning new skills. Map reading, survival tactics, and battle strategies became her new focuses as she expanded her mind. Slowly she started to have an interest in the stars and ended up on the roof of Greenhaven countless times to study them.

The moonlight, the stars shining down, the cool breeze, all of it seemed to calm her down, and she started going up there when the nightmares became too bad and she needed a breather. Sometimes she would summon Jhi, other times she would remain alone, basking in the time to just forget and let go.

It was one of those moments when the door behind her creaked open, eyes snapping open to spin around to see the intruder. Rollan stood in the doorway, a look of surprise flashing across his face before disappearing.

"Relax, it's just me," Rollan announces, hands going up in surrender.

"I can see that," Meilin responds, turning back around to look up at the sky, "this is the first time I see you up here."

A shuffling sound is heard behind her and Rollan sits down beside her, close enough that Meilin can feel the warmth radiating of his body, "I usually go to the one closest to my room, but decided to go on a little adventure instead and ended up here," he remains silent for a few heartbeats before continuing, "Do you want me to leave? I know you sometimes enjoy being alone."

Meilin smiles, "it's okay, I started to tolerate your company."

Rollan places one hand on his chest in mock pain, "tolerate? You wound me, Meilin."

Rollan drops his hand back down, and instead of falling on the ground, it ends up on top of Meilin's, his fingers curling between hers. Meilin squeezes back, the pair going into a comfortable silence. They started dating shortly after the war, realizing that life is too short for them to ignore their feelings. Meilin's feelings started to grow through out the struggles they faced together, and she soon learned that his ill-placed jokes were attempts to hide his insecurities. So she helped him learn that his insecurities weren't weaknesses and he helped show her that a blade wasn't always the answer to every problem.

Meilin had no clue on why right then and there she remembered the dance lessons. Maybe it was because she wished Rollan was her partner during the time, or that she missed just being a kid, but it suddenly came back to her.

"Do you want to dance?" Meilin asks, the first one to break the silence.

Rollan stares at her as if she grew another head, "there's no music."

Meilin shrugs, "you don't really need music."

Meilin stands up and stretches, offering a hand to Rollan, who just stares at it in disbelief, "uh, hard pass. Dancing without music is like eating without food."

Meilin drops the hand, realizing exactly what Rollan was trying to do, "you don't know how to dance, do you?"

Rollan forces a laugh, "of course I know how to dance, it just seems ridiculous without music."

Meilin looks down at Rollan, dark eyes concerned as Rollan squirmes under her gaze, "alright, fine, I don't know how to dance. As an orphan on a street, It's not like twirling on a dance floor was my main concern, I was more focused on my next meal."

"Then I'll teach you," Meilin promises, putting her hand out again, "It's not hard."

Rollan considers the offer, eyes darting between looking up at her and her hand. Reluctantly, the Amayan boy takes hold of it, Meilin pulling him up, "watch," she commands taking both of Rollan's hands, "one goes here," she places his right hand on her hip, "and the other here," she finishes, keeping a hold on his left hand. She places her left hand on his shoulder, "simple."

"Now what?" Rollan asks awkwardly.

Meilin shrugs, "I guess we just sway, I Don't really want to ballroom dance, just follow my lead."

And Rollan does, stepping a few times on her feet. A deep red climbs up his face as he blushes at his mistakes, but Meilin squeezes his hand so that he looks up, "the less you look at your feet the easier it is," she promises. Soon he picks up the rhythm, even spinning Meilin around once to pull her closer.

"See, easy," Meilin points out, face close enough to Rollan's that she can count the freckles on his face that match the stars. Rollan usually joking demeanor was replaced by a much more serious one, his brown eyes looking so deeply into Meilin's that she worries that she'll drown in them.

Rollan leans forward, closing the gap between the two of them and kisses her, Meilin shifting her hand from holding his shoulder, the resting on the back of his neck. This kiss was definitely longer then the ones they shared before, Rollan pulling back to break the kiss. He rests his forehead on hers and Meilin closes her eyes, just enjoying the moment of peace that usually come very rarely.

Rollan spins her again, the stars twinkling down at them, moon lighting up the rooftop. And Meilin can't help, but feel as if this was what perfect felt like.


Words: 1063.

A Happy, fluffy Reilin because my last one was super angsty. Hopefully the next one-shot is Conbeke, depending on which one I finish first. It'll also be pretty angsty, so enjoy the happiness in this one 🙃. Because I'm going to try and break all your hearts.

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