chapter seven

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i was woken up the next morning by my pillow seeping water. Actually, it wasn’t water, it was my tears. I tried to stand, but when I did; I got very dizzy and almost fell over. I caught myself by using the edge of the bed. I shook it off and walked out of our room and into the bathroom. I took a glance in the mirror and almost didn’t recognize myself.

I looked like a zombie. I must not have gotten any sleep at all last night. I hadn’t eaten since yesterday morning, but was too upset to care about hunger. I washed my face and tried to make myself look a little better, but nothing was working. I gave up and walked out into the kitchen. I saw all four other band members sitting at the table.

“Hey,” I said in a weak voice.

“Do you guys want me to make you some breakfast?” I asked, my voice nearly giving out.

“You look horrible, and you sound it too. What’s wrong?” C.C. asked.

“I just had a nightmare,” I said I couldn’t focus on any one thing specifically.

My vision began to blur and I could hardly stand.

“Courtney? Courtney!” I heard one of them say as I lost consciousness.

*later the day*

my eyes fluttered open to see a very familiar room around me. I was in a hospital. I heard the beeping of heart monitor and looked down at my arm only to see a needle pumping fluids into me.

“So what’s wrong with her?” I heard Andy ask.

“She was dehydrated. You boys are lucky, if you would have brought her here any later, she might not have made it,” I heard a man say.

I assumed it was a doctor.

“An-dy?” I asked. My voice still sounded weak.

“Shhh,” Andy whispered as he stroked my head.

I could tell that he’d been crying because his eyes were red and puffy.

“When can she go home?” I heard Ashley ask the doctor.

“She can go anytime now. Just make sure you keep her hydrated, ok?” the doctor said.

He left the room. I sat up and took the heart monitor thing off of me. Then I ripped out the needle.

“What are you doing?” Andy asked.

I could hear fear in his voice. Fear that something would happen to me. I had broken the promise to myself by letting my emotions and feelings get in the way.

“We’re going,” I said, emphasizing the “we’re.”

I walked out of the room and onto the elevator with the rest of the band, Andy standing next to me, looking down. I saw a tear fall from his eye, but said nothing about it. We left the hospital in silence. When we got back on the tour bus, Andy walked into the room and shut the door.

“What happened between you two?” Jinxx asked.

“Nothing,” I said.

That was the honest truth, nothing had happened between us, yet we were slowly drifting apart. I looked down at the ground and a tear fell from my eye.

“You overhead our conversation, didn’t you.” Ashley said solemnly.

I nodded. Someone tried to give me a consoling hug, but I pushed them away.

“No,” I said. “This is my fault. I shouldn’t have gotten so attached. It’s my burden to carry, not yours. If you ever worry about me, if you even shed one tear for my sake, I will never forgive you,” I said, tears welling in my eyes.

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