Chapter 28

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This will probably have a ton of spelling mistakes and I'm really sorry for that


"Have you been crying?"

"No?" Jaebum said but it sounded more like a question than anything else. He rubbed his eyes, making them even redder than they already were.

"That doesn't sound very convincing" There was nothing but worry in Youngjae's voice as he spoke and Jaebum found himself smiling slightly.

"Do you want to come in?" He tried to dodge the question.

Youngjae jokingly rolled his eyes at that, "Oh no, I always randomly throw teddies at windows and leave then"

"Oh, well then," Jaebum closed the door but Youngjae stuck his foot between,

"Of course I want to come in"

Jaebum slimed barely noticeable and opened the door again, stepping aside so Youngjae could enter. The younger got inside and slipped out of his shoes before he shrugged out of his jacket. He awkwardly looked where he could put his jacket and just dumped it on the floor in the end. Jaebum watched him with a frown and picked the jacket up, "You could have just hung it up next to mine, you know?"

"That would have made more sense"

Jaebum chuckled quietly and turned to face Youngjae, "Let's go to the living room?"

The slightly smaller one nodded slowly, feeling insecure all of a sudden and walked behind Jaebum, the teddy still in his hands.

He sat down next to the older, leaving not much space between them which made Jaebum slightly nervous so he scooted further away. When Jaebum looked up at Youngjae guilt washed over him as he saw his expression. Youngjae's eyes were wide and he looked like Jaebum had just punched him.

He coughed and averted his eyes from him, he didn't want to see the hurt in his eyes. "You said you wanted to explain something to me?"

"Yes about what Mark texted-"

"You don't have to explain that, you just see me as your teddy buddy-"

"Shut up Jaebum"

The latter blinked in surprise. Did Youngjae just tell him to shut up?

In every other situation Youngjae would have apologized for speaking rudely but not now. "I really have to explain this and I need you to be quiet or else I probably won't be able to say everything, do you promise to stay silent?"

Jaebum could do nothing more than nod. To say he was nervous of Youngjae's explanation would have been an understatement. He couldn't sit still and kept fidgeting with his hands, not knowing what to do with them.

"Alright so after our date-"

The older's heart shouldn't flutter as much as it did when Youngjae said the word 'date'.

"-I was hanging out with Mark and kept bugging him about it, telling him how pretty you are, how incredibly nice you were to me and what not. I guess I really annoyed him with it because when I was gone he sent you the message asking if you wanted to be my boyfriend. When I saw that you read it already I- I panicked," He took a deep breath before continuing, "I mean look at you. You are beautiful, kind and sweet and I'm none of that, I'm just the weird guy with the teddy who wouldn't leave you alone" Youngjae's voice broke at the end and Jaebum wanted to tell him he could take a break, that he didn't have to force himself into saying more but he remembered his promise and let Youngjae continue.

"I was sacred you would reject me and I thought I did the right thing and god, I really did believe that. But when you started to answer with short texts and were rude I couldn't help but doubt myself over and over again. Then you ignored me for three days and when we finally talked again you said you wanted me to flirt with you and I cried. I cried because I realized that I fucked up," Youngjae sniffed and wiped the few tears that were slowly rolling down his cheeks with his sleeve away.

"And now I'm crying again which seems really pathetic to me," Youngjae chuckled bitterly.

Jaebum didn't like the sound of it and he wanted to yell at Youngjae that he was everything but pathetic because he himself had troubles keeping the tears from spilling.

"Do you remember that I told you I don't lie when it comes to teddies?"

Jaebum scoffed, of course he remembered. He remembered everything the younger told him.

"The same goes for my teddy buddy so please, Jaebum believe me when I say-" He clutched the teddy tight to his chest, "When I say that I am so so sorry, I never wanted to hurt you"

The younger avoided looking at Jaebum because of various reasons. He was afraid Jaebum would still be mad at him, he was afraid Jaebum would laugh at him, he was afraid that if he saw anger in Jaebum's eyes he'd start crying again.

They both sat there in silence before Jaebum's chuckles filled the room.

„You're so stupid Youngjae"

The smaller shut his eyes at that, whispering a quiet and broken ‚I know'.

Only when he felt a hand gently taking his, fingers intertwining in the process, did he open his eyes again.

„Look at me," Jaebum said softly, giving his hand a light squeeze. Reluctantly Youngjae looked up and was met with a frowning Jaebum. He turned his head away again.

„Then at least listen to me, okay? Never and I really mean never, talk so low about yourself ever again. You aren't just the weird teddy guy and yes, if you believe that then I really think you are stupid. You, Youngjae, might not be perfect. Let's be honest, nobody is perfect but even your small imperfections make people fall more and more in love with you every second," Jaebum gave him a small smile.

„Did you?"

„Did I what?"

„Did you fall in love with me?"

Jaebum's smile didn't falter at the question, if anything it just got bigger.

„How could I not?"

Finally Youngjae locked eyes with Jaebum, a large smile forming on his face. He was smiling so big his cheeks began to hurt.

„Does that mean I can kiss you?"

„Only if you want to"

Youngjae turned so that he was now fully facing the other. He leaned up till their noses were nearly touching.

„I wouldn't have asked if not," His breath ghosted over Jaebum's lips, making shivers run through his whole body.

And with that Youngjae closed the distance between them.


Was this bad? I don't know? I'm a bit unsure if that was good but I hope no one is disappointed with it  (but I could understand you though if you are)

I hope you all have a great day and remember that you are amazing!
I love you all a lot and I'm grateful you're reading my story ^^

Stay safe ♥️

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