Chapter 20: shipwreck

Start from the beginning

" he's right, while you fight you're fearing for your life and the lives of everyone you love but Valentine has no such attachments or fears" Magnus said backing Luke up as he worried about the still healing wolf

" ok so what? I just stop caring about all of you and become him?" Piper said knowing that she had done everything that she could ever do to prevent that from happening to her since she hated him

" or get rid of your fear"Jace said looking straight at Clary rather than Piper as he tried not to think about everything that could go wrong with this plan of hers while trying to come up with ideas for her

" wait, you want Clary to place the fearless rune she created on Piper?" Izzy said wondering whether or not taking away from all of the fear that made her cautious and safe was a good idea right now

" yeah I do, Luke just said Valentine fights without fear and how it gives him an edge so Piper needs to do the same if she wants to survive this" Jace said slightly harsher than he meant it to come out

" what if it doesn't work? What if it works too well? I am not comfortable with this plan especially since it depends on my still very untested rune being the deciding fact on if my father kills my sister" Clary said voicing her fears and worries about this plan of his that he was clearly forming

" well I am and since it's me that you'll be putting the rune on therefore it's only my vote that matter so do it, give me the fearless rune" Piper said lifting her shirt up to give Clary a space to create the rune on her

" when you're finished with Piper, I want you one on me too... I need to go into that ship with a clear head and that's not going to happen if I'm scared about what's going on with you" he said to Piper

" ok so we're going through the crazy suicidal plan? Of course we are, I forgot our motto is to do the insane but can I just point out that we have no way to get to the ship?" Alec said pointing to where it was

" I guess that's where I come in as your warlock boyfriend, I can transforms Luke's truck into a boat of some kind to get us across" Magnus said knowing that was why he was here to help them out

" I'm assuming that I don't have to tell you guys that if you see either the cup or the sword then grab it, Valentine can't do what he wants if he doesn't have them" Luke said reminding them of their other goal

" so are we clear on the plan and on our roles? We have to do this for Simon and Maia because knowing my father, he didn't take them to have afternoon tea with them" Piper said as one final pep talk

" can we talk for a moment before all of this kicks off?"Jace said gently tugging on Piper's arm gesturing for her to step away from the main group so that they could talk alone for a minute

" what's up? If this is you trying to talk me out of this or not going then don't waste your breathe" she said trying to be firm but also kind since she knew that no matter what was going on they still loved each other

" no I'm not going to do that because I know that it wouldn't work and if it were me then I'd be doing the same but I need you to not push him, don't make it worse" he said gently cupping her face

" I won't, I promise you that I will walk away from this" she said kissing him to reassure him that she was going to be ok as well as herself since they both knew how big all of this was her right now

Soon after Jace and Piper had their little chat, Magnus called them over to Luke's truck which was ready to be placed into the water since they were going to use it to get to Valentine's ship as Piper mentally prepared herself for whatever was about to happen as she wondered once again what er father was up since she knew that he needed the cup so that he could breed a new and improved bunch of shadowhunters but having two of out of the three mortal instruments along with Maia and Simon slightly changed things in her head in a way that made no sense which mad her determined to figure out today while she was on his boat. Sooner rather than later they arrived at the boat as the shadowhunters got their weapons out for the ready for when they inevitably ran into some kind of trouble, as planned they all began to split up as Piper headed in a different direction from everyone in order to find Valentine while Jace and Clary headed in another to find Simon and Maia which they did as they headed to the darkest lowest part of the ship acting as a jail for Valentine's prisoners

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