A Surprise for Sofia

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Meanwhile, after finishing their homework, Hugo and Axel went shopping to find a special duffle bag for Sofia.

"So what kind of bag do you want to give Sofia?" Axel asked.

Before Hugo could answer, he saw a few shelves full of Prismatic Petunia bags. "Not Prismatic Petunia, obviously," he declared. "It should reflect who she is."

"Fair enough," Axel smiled.

Hugo looked all over the store, but he couldn't find a good bag for Sofia. He looked in four shops, and he couldn't find the perfect bag.

"I've looked in four shops already, and I haven't found a good bag for Sofia," Hugo frowned. "There are too many Prismatic Petunia bags."

"And it's getting dark," Axel chimed in.

Hugo was about to get ready to go home when he saw a beautiful plain purple bag. "The purple color of this bag is definitely Sofia," he smiled.

"I know Sofia likes simple things, but maybe that bag is a little too simple?" Axel guessed.

But Hugo had an idea. "It won't be plain for long," he grinned. He bought the bag and went home with Axel.

At home, Hugo stitched and sewed fabric onto the purple bag. He was really excited to give it to Sofia tomorrow.

The next day, Hildegard and Clio showed up at Enchancia Castle.

"Well, it happened again," Clio sighed.

"We went home with each other's bags again," Hildegard chimed in.

Amber, Hildegard, and Clio switched bags again.

"I don't get it," Amber fretted. "We've been watching our bags carefully, but we keep taking the wrong bags with us—except for Adara. Why does it keep happening?"

Hugo showed up, carrying a purple wrapped box, and said, "Well, Sofia kept telling you to look inside your bags, and Adara kept telling you to stitch your names on them—but you never listened. You just had to make sure your bags looked the same in every way."

Those words made the girls realize what really happened, but they were curious about the box Hugo was carrying.

"What's in the box, Prince Hugo?" Amber asked.

Before Hugo could answer, Sofia showed up. "Hi, Hugo," she waved.

"Good morning, Sofie," Hugo smiled. He and Sofia kissed each other's cheeks. "I have a little surprise for you." He handed Sofia the box.

Sofia took the lid off the box and gasped when she saw what was inside. She reached in and pulled out the bag Hugo bought. Now the bag was decorated beautifully—a beautiful pink design was stitched onto it, and Hugo had stitched Sofia's name in pink on the bag. He also sewed the same flower design from Sofia's dress onto the bag.

"It's beautiful!" Sofia gasped. "Thanks, Hugo!" She hugged Hugo tightly.

"I'm glad you like it, Sofie," Hugo grinned.

"Wow, where did you get that bag?" Clio asked.

"It was just plain when I bought it," Hugo replied. "I decided to spruce it up a little because I thought Sofia could use a bag that brings out who she is."

"You thought right," Sofia smiled.

Amber, Hildegard, and Clio thought about that. They looked at Sofia's beautiful new bag, and they looked at their own bags.

"Maybe it's time we spiced these bags up a little," Amber declared. "We can ask the handmaidens to stitch our names onto the bags."

"Sounds like a great idea," Clio grinned.

"Well, it's worth a shot," Sofia said.

"But where on these bags can our names be?" Hildegard asked.

"Well, they should be on a spot where it can be seen, and the thread needs to be noticeable," Sofia advised them.

"Okay, thanks, Sofia," Amber grinned.

Sofia the First: Sofia and the Fashion VictimsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz