Gifts From Grand Mum

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Princess Sofia was the most tomboyish princess anyone ever knew. She enjoyed participating in sports and going on hikes, and she wasn't afraid of getting dirty. However, she does have a girly side—she liked wearing gowns and tiaras almost as much as her stepsister, Amber, did.

Amber and her friends, Hildegard and Clio, enjoyed the latest trends, and they had closets full of clothes and shoes. They were quite fashion victims, and when it comes to fashion trends, they slavishly follow the crowd in order to fit in. When it comes to fashion, Amber, Hildegard, and Clio believed everyone has to fit in. But one day, they learned that having the same thing as everyone else isn't always a good thing.

Sofia was with Amber, Hildegard, and Clio, reading books in the library of Enchancia Castle. Amber and Hildegard were reading books about being classic princesses. Clio was reading a book called Hello Polly, based on a play she starred in with the same name. Amber saw the book Sofia was reading.

"Cinderella and the Genie?" Amber asked. "Oh, Sofia, what makes this Cinderella story so special?"

"This story takes place in a kingdom based on Tangu," Sofia explained. "Cinderella dresses almost like Princess Jasmine, and instead of a fairy godmother, she has a genie godmother."

"Wow, that's different," Clio smiled.

"Yes, since Hugo and I started our relationship by performing in a Cinderella play, he'll probably be interested in reading this with me," Sofia surmised. "This reminds me of that play."

Suddenly, James came in, carrying a box. "Amber, Sofia, Grand Mum sent us a package," he said.

Amber and Sofia went over to see what their grandmother sent them. James carefully opened the box, and inside were three smaller boxes. Each box had the siblings' names on them.

James picked up the box with his name on it. He opened the box to find spurs. "Wow, these spurs are brilliant," he grinned.

"What are spurs?" Sofia asked.

"They go on your cowboy boots," James told her.

"Interesting," Sofia smiled. She opened the box to find a little pink and purple bracelet for her ankle. "Grand Mum sent me an anklet." She took the anklet out of the box, took her shoe off, and put the anklet on her ankle.

"It looks beautiful, Sofia," Clio grinned.

"Thanks," Sofia smiled.

"I hope Grandmother sent me something with Prismatic Petunia," Amber beamed. She took her box out and opened it with her face lightening up. "Oh, it's a Prismatic Petunia necklace." She took the necklace out—Sofia noticed that it almost looked like the magic amulet Amber received from an evil Crystalmaster named Prisma from the Mystic Isles.

"It's beautiful, Amber," Clio smiled.

"It is," Amber grinned. "Oh, Grandmother even sent me a Prismatic Petunia duffle bag."

"That's a must-have bag!" Hildegard beamed. "We should get one."

"Hildegard, I wouldn't ask King Henrik for that bag is I were you," Sofia frowned.

"Why not?" Hildegard asked.

"Remember on that Dads and Daughters field trip when you kept asking him for an enchanted animal?" Sofia reminded her. "Your spoiled behavior caused trouble, yet you didn't learn a thing. You went back to wanting an enchanted animal, and when your dad finally said no, you tried to do it yourself only to fall in the water. That's when Henrik told you that the time had come for you to learn that you can't get everything you want."

"Sofia is right, Hildegard," James nodded. "It's about time you learned that lesson by now."

Hildegard remembered that day, but she still wanted a Prismatic Petunia bag.

Sofia the First: Sofia and the Fashion VictimsWhere stories live. Discover now