Bag Blunder

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After school, Sofia refused to speak to Amber. Amber felt bad about hurting Sofia's feelings by pushing her to get a Prismatic Petunia bag, but she herself felt proud to have one. But something weird happened, and Amber and her friends didn't even know it.

Amber went to her room and put her bag on her bed. But when she opened it, her belongings weren't in it—instead, Clio's things were in the bag.

"What? Why did Clio put her stuff in my bag?" Amber asked.

Sofia and James heard what Amber was complaining about, and they decided to investigate.

"What's going on, Amber?" James asked.

"Clio took my stuff out of my bag and put hers in," Amber claimed.

But it didn't take Sofia long to catch on. "Amber, I don't think this is your bag—I think you grabbed Clio's bag by mistake," she realized.

"How do you figure that?" Amber asked.

"Well, you, Clio, Hildegard, and Adara have the exact same bag, so it was hard knowing which bag was yours," Sofia explained. "That's why you grabbed the wrong bag. You would've known this was Clio's bag if you had seen what was inside it before leaving Royal Prep."

Amber understood what Sofia meant. "Oh, I knew what my bag looked like, but I didn't know which one was mine," she said.

"Yup, it just goes to show that having the same bag as everyone else isn't a good thing," Sofia smirked. Now she was really glad that she didn't have a Prismatic Petunia bag like Amber and her friends.

Meanwhile, at Albuquerque Palace, Hugo was telling Axel what happened with Sofia and the other princesses.

"She was furious," Hugo said. "It was almost like when we all told her not to participate in the flying derby because the other princesses don't do it."

"Poor Sofia," Axel frowned.

"Yeah, she doesn't like Prismatic Petunia as much as Amber and her friends do because it's not her style," Hugo declared. "She may have a girly streak, but she's not nearly as girly as Amber." Then he got an idea. "Maybe what Sofia needs is a bag that fits her style."

"Hey, there's an idea," Axel smiled. "On Friday, we can go shopping, and you can find Sofia a bag that fits her perfectly."

"Thanks, Big Bro," Hugo smiled.

"No problem," Axel grinned. "After all, you're doing a good thing, helping your girlfriend solve a problem in a good way."

Sofia the First: Sofia and the Fashion VictimsWhere stories live. Discover now