"Yeah she's fine, she's resting up in the hideout. You would know if you weren't stupid enough to try and kill yourself." She hissed without looking at me, her knuckles white, her grip tight on the arm rests of the chair. Anger started to boil in my blood at her attitude, my fists clenching, fingernails  the temptation to ram my fist into the side of her face increasing by the minute.

I took in a deep breath, geuninely surprised at the lack of broken ribs, and exhaled, clenching and unclenching my fists as I slowly counted from one to ten under my breath, doing the steps I saw online to control my anger. My muscles relaxed as I leaned on the pillow, the anger fading away gradually. An awkward silence filled the room as I sat there, unsure of what to say as Cyan didn't say a word, her fury radiating off her, shifting uncomfortably in my seat as I wondered what the hell she was doing here. The only thing that dared  to pierce the thickening silence was the audio from the television hung up in a corner of the room, the speakers hidden behind the television quietly playing the audio for a conspiracy theory show. Deciding to leave her alone for a bit, I focused on myself, looking at my body, observing the exposed skin. How could I not have scars? How did I not obtain a single injury, how did I come out of a collasping building completely unscatched? It wasn't possible, it just wasn't. I looked at the inside of my shirt, gasping when I saw my clear, unmarred chest. Every single stitch that ripped open that night had completely vanished, not even a scar to remind me of the incident. Even some of my previous scars had faded away.

How was this even possible?

The speakers went silent, the television snapping black all of the sudden. Cyan placed the controller down, leaning forward, resting her elbows on her knees, massaging her head.

"Do you have any idea how much you terrified us?" She started without looking at me, her voice harsh and rash, filled with anger. Guilt sank into my bones.

"Cyan, I'm sorry, I-" I tried to apologize, reaching for her shoulder, but she stood up abruptedly, turning to face me, her eyes filled with days of worry and anger.

"No, Leo, stop! You may have said you done it to be noble, or because it's your job. But-"

"Sparks, at least I'm doing-"

"Oh for god's sake, could you just shut up for one second and listen to me?!" She screamed furiously, her voice echoing through the room. My jaw dropped at her ferocity, shock paralyzing me as she stood there, her gaze filled with absolute rage.

"Do you know how much you mean to people?! First of all, you're the fricking Shane!! The Shanes are a symbol of peace and protection and thats exactly what we need, especially in the middle of all this Ataro stuff! A Shane dying when we need a symbol of hope?! What the hell were you thinking?!" She shouted angrily at me, and from the corner of my eye, I saw Sam peek inside, but she backed away from the door once she saw Cyan furious, walking away.

"And you have so much ahead of you, you're not even twenty, you could get married to Alana, you could have a family, you still have so many years ahead of you and you just try to end your life just like that!" She screamed at me, prodding her finger towards me.

"And don't even get me started on Alana! She would be a wreck if you died, she's been a wreck this entire week, crying over how worried she is about you!! You wanna leave her in a time like this?! YOU WANT TO LEAVE HER AND SEE HER FALL APART?!" Silence rung through the room, no words developing on my lips. Her words stabbed me in the heart, slashing at me like knives as they spilled out of her mouth, the mention of Alana punching me head on. I looked down at my hands in shame, the thought only now going through my mind.

"And I'll have to live for the rest of my damn life knowing you hate me because of what I did in the Deep Caverns, because I couldn't let go of her, because I didn't do my job as a Defender." She ranted, tears welling up in her cyan blue eyes, her voice cracking, threatening to shatter with every word she said. I quickly sat up, swinging my legs off the edge of the bed, tears forming in my eyes as I saw the ones welling up in her own.

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