Chapter Two

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I'd never been on a plane before now. Disney World was practically in my backyard, my grandparents all lived in the same town. Everything I could have ever wanted was right at my fingertips, but I still managed to mess it up.

We landed in Baltimore and got an Uber to our new apartment, texting Alexis while we were on our way there. Things were different here; there were people walking the streets, walking their dogs, or with children. I haven't truly been around people in years.


"Did being around people make you nervous?" he asked, making me sigh.

"If you would let me get two sentences in without interrupting, I would tell you," I sassed. After pausing for a moment to recollect my thoughts, I spoke again. "May I continue?"

"First, I have a question, did any of your family members suffer from mental illnesses?"

"My dad's mom. He didn't tell me, my grandfather did."


"Stop the car," I said, opening the door and throwing money at the driver. "Thank you." Sam followed me, not knowing what was going on.

"Are you okay? Do you need medicine?" he asked in a panic.

"There are people. We are free to walk. To be free. And we shouldn't be far from our apartment, so what's the hurt in walking the rest of the way," I told him with a smile across my face. "This is the first time in years anything has felt real. I know you've been out for a while, but I need this."

"Race you," he challenged, already running off with his suitcase following not far behind.

"Not fa-," I started, but then ran into someone.

"Woah, slow down," he said.

"I am so sorry." I admired his raven colored hair with a streak of white that stood upon his head, lanky arms that helped me off the ground, and his taller body looming over my short one, while his dark brown eyes pierced into mine. "My friend tried to race me and I wasn't watching where I was going I am so sorry."

"It's no big deal, but try not to be in such a hurry next time, cutie," the man winked, walking away. I blushed and walked in the direction Sam ran in. It wasn't long before I found the apartment complex and found the door to Sam and my's place. The door was open and Sam was inside, his mouth ajar in awe.

"This is our new life, Cat. Should I call you that for short? I know how much you hate being called Emma, so I thought you could really get used to Cathrine," he rambled.

"I love being called Cat, Sam," I smiled, hugging my best friend. "Come on, let's look around." The small apartment was filled with furniture, thank you to Alexis. There was a couch, a chair, and a love seat set that were black knock-off leather along with a large flat screen TV in the living room. There was a small kitchen with an island counter that had barstools. Back the hall were our rooms. Sam's room had large windows and a queen sized bed, along with a desk, closet, and chest of drawers. My room had teal walls, a large desk, a queen-sized bed, a closet, and a thing of drawers with a large mirror. There was a bathroom which we had to unpack stuff into, along with our own stuff. Instead of wasting any more time, like we had wasted many years, we started to get everything ready.

After a few hours, our apartments seemed more us. We ordered pizza and turned on the only show I recognized, Friends. A lot of things seemed to have changed in the years we've been gone. It may be the fact we're in a different city but nothing is the same.

Sam started work early the next morning, so soon after dinner, he went to bed so he could be ready to face life. He works as a photographer for a modeling company. His boss says that because he's gay, the model's love him.

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