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The trip to Wakanda was unconventional to say the least; the speed alone had your head dizzied to try to work the equations of it, but what made it even harder to know the answer was the seclusion you were placed in so that you didn't have a frame of reference to reveal their secrets. Your phone had been shut down and was being held until you were to return home, and you hoped that Tony wasn't back there losing his mind over the disconnect. The panic that it would insight could be legendary.

"We have arrived," the pilot's voice announced softly. "The King and Captain await you."

"Thank you, but, just the two?"

She didn't respond immediately, and yet you didn't dare to move from where you had been directed to stay. As welcomed as you felt, and as courteously as you had been treated as a guest, you had the distinct feeling that to challenge anything would not be taken as politely.

"You sound nervous."

"Maybe a little," you conceded. "Only because I really haven't been told anything, so I have no idea what I'm being taken into."

"Then on behalf of the King, I offer our apologies. We are about to land, if you care to join me."

"Really?" you asked pensively, standing slowly as if she might suddenly change her mind. "I'd like that." Even when she didn't deny you in a last-minute change of decision, you moved carefully towards her to stand at her side as she brought the ship in towards open grounds next to a beautiful, ornate building that had to be T'Challa's home. No other structure looked close to similar, and it was definitely suited for royalty. "This is amazing. Your city...I've never seen anything like it."

"Not many have. You must be trustworthy to be included."

"Pfft, no pressure, right?"

For the first time, she smiled and gave a small laugh at your sarcasm, as if some unspoken tension had finally been broken. "I admit, I haven't done all that I could to relieve that feeling. It's not often that we bring outsiders here. My name is Okoye."

"(Y/N)," you smiled back, "but I guess you knew that already."

"Yes, I did. It's on your luggage, and you respond to the name when called."

"Like a dog," you snorted, covering your face in embarrassment, though now you were both laughing freely and you finally felt like you could breathe. You may never see this woman again, but she had definitely made a lasting first impression. "Wow, I think I just insulted myself."

"Not at all," she argued, "I love dogs. But do be aware that our King is more partial to cats."

"Oh yeah, believe me, I've heard."


Back at home, Tony wasn't nearly so jovial, but he agreed with your newest friend; you were trustworthy, and he was banking on that to keep him sane in your absence. The rules were made very clear before you stepped onto their jet; no phones, no communicators, no tracking. Every one of his tools had been denied, and for the first time, Tony felt like he was an ordinary man, with only his faith in your skills to keep you safe, and your promise to him to keep your word to return.

He admitted to himself, finally, that he wasn't in the best shape after his fight with Steve. It wasn't a great time for you to leave, with his mind so cluttered and his anger barely under control, but he wasn't about to deny you something that he could see that you had to do for your own security. He had to admit to himself that if the roles were reversed, you would do the same. His altruism wasn't perfect, however; it took amazing restraint to not pull you back as you let his hand go, because he felt as if he had lost everything already, and your loss would be too much.

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