CHAPTER 10 * Not human enough *

Start from the beginning

"I am human, just not from earth."

"Then how can you be human if you're not from earth?"

Oh goodness.

"Is it that unfathomable that there exist humans who are not from earth?"

"Aliens are supposed to look different."

"Oh? And how are...aliens.... supposed to look?"

"They should have giant heads and bulb like eyes. Or tentacles for arms. Or four legs. Or resemble insects, like in Independence Day. And they shouldn't be able to speak English. Are you making yourself appear human so as not to scare me? Or do you refer to all other species as human?"

She can't be serious.

I had to force myself not to let my laughter come out. I tried hard to hide my smile. I lifted my hand to my mouth, making it look as if I was rubbing my lips, when really I was covering my smile.

Once I had recovered, I lowered my hand. She waited anxiously for my reply. It seemed she had run out of suggestions.

"Do you really think I have hidden my true appearance to put you at ease?"

She examined my face. I grit my teeth as my smile threatened to be exposed. I lifted my chin a little and looked at her. Her eyes travelled down my sitting form and back up. They were now locked on my eyes.

I could tell she believed that this was a mask.

"What makes you think so?" I asked with a tilt of my head.

"Well, you do appear human. But you're unlike any other human I've met."

"How so?" I was genuinely curious.

"Well, for starters, you're really tall."

"Does my height disqualify me of humanity?"

She thought for a second, "I guess a lot of people are tall, so that isn't it." She turned her head a little to the left. "The way you hold yourself. Your back is too straight. Most people usually slouch."

I couldn't help it. A little laugh escaped with my exhale. "Does proper posture make me extra-terrestrial?"

She tilted her head the other side as she continued to examine me, "I guess not. There are people who have been groomed and have good etiquette. Mm," she looked into my eyes. People did not look me in the eyes. As prince, everyone lowered their gaze in respect. But here this girl was, staring right at me, not even flinching. It was unnerving. Then again, she did not know of my status.

"Your eyes."

"What about them?"

"Your eyes are really green."

"Do people on earth not have green eyes?"

"No, that's not it. They're not just green, they almost shimmer. They are such a vivid shade of emerald green, unlike anything I've ever seen before." She continued looking into my eyes, almost as if caught in a trance. I let her look. True, royals had striking eyes, it was due to the royal gene we carried and served as a sign of our status as God's chosen.

She came to her senses and looked away.

"So my eye colour is what makes me an alien."

I let a smile escape and looked down, my head lowering a little. I looked back up at her.

"I am most definitely human. Just like you. Of course, I do not look like anyone you have met before. But that is because we have not crossed paths before. I have the same organs that you do, mostly, as I am male, and you are female. I eat, sleep and breathe, just like you do. The only differences being our behaviour and where we were born."

ABDUCTED: HOW THEY MET (bwwm)(completed)(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now