CHAPTER 9 * Cold kindness *

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I shoved him away, admittedly, it was a pathetic shove, considering how weak I felt and tried to remain upright. In my attempt to rebel, I stayed just as I was, not moving or acknowledging his presence.

"You need to eat," he said again.

Is my pride really worth starving for?

I swung my legs over the bed slowly, grateful that I didn't feel the dizziness I had earlier. However, this small task took a lot out of me. I felt weaker now.

The small rectangular steps appeared again. I had placed my right foot on the first step with the intention of placing my left on the next step. But my legs gave out. I probably would have fallen flat on my face and embarrassed myself if he hadn't been there to catch me.

"This won't do," he said.

As I was figuring out what he meant by that comment, he had bent down and scooped me up in his arms.

I was surprised he was able to get me off the floor.

"I'm too heavy! I'm too heavy! Put me down!" No matter how much I protested, he didn't budge. I hadn't realised that I had closed my eyes. I opened one, then the other, and looked at the ground. I turned to look at him but he had already started walking. We moved through the sitting area and onto the kitchen where he placed me in one of the stools. He then walked around the table and went to the device he had said earlier was the heater, or was it warmer? I couldn't really remember. He took out a tray from it. The tray had a bowl on it. He moved to the cooler and took out a small glass filled with a blue liquid. He came back around the table and lay the things in front of me.

The bowl held some sort of cereal in it. It looked like oatmeal.

He went to a drawer and removed what looked like a spoon, except with a really long handle. He reached above him and opened another drawer and pulled out a small vial of a clear liquid which he said was concentrated water.

He came with these things in hand and set them before me as he sat on the stool next to me.

"Eat," he ordered.

"So that you can poison me?" I had recovered from the shock of him carrying me.

"If I wanted to kill you, I would have let you bleed out on the floor. Now, eat."

He had something about him that just oozed authority and power. Maybe it was the way he spoke, or the way he held himself. All I knew was, as much as I wanted to be rebellious, crossing him seemed like a big mistake. But that didn't stop me.

"How do I know you didn't save me just so I could clean up the mess?"

He got the spoon and shoved some food into his mouth.

"You may have an antidote ready for yourself." I stubbornly said.

He responded with a sigh. "Are you Earthians that untrusting? Eat or don't eat. The one who is starving is not me."

I held onto my rebellion for all of twenty seconds longer and then lifted my hand, my shaking hand, to the table.

Why did moving take so much energy?

I moved it across the table until it reached the spoon. I was concentrating so much on this menial task. I tried to clutch it but failed on my first attempt. With renewed determination, I tried again. This time I was able to hold it, albeit loosely, and lifted my hand to the bowl. Just as the spoon was about to reach the lip of the bowl, it fell and would have clattered to the floor if he hadn't caught it. He moved so fast I almost didn't see it.

Those are some pretty good reflexes.

I expected him to place the 'spoon' back in my hand but he instead scooped some of the cereal and held it out to me.

ABDUCTED: HOW THEY MET (bwwm)(completed)(EDITING)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ