Chapter 41: "Me? My name is Lance Dare."

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He stopped just a few steps from her, his eyes fixed on the rising form of Old Moss.

"I say, I've never seen one of those so close before. Rather grand aren't they?"

His accent was not one native to Farsalt.

Ella stared at him incredulously.

It was then that he seemed to see her for the first time. He gazed at her for a few seconds, took a puff on his pipe, and then frowned.

"Are you alright? You look a little beaten-around-the-gills, if you know what I mean?" Without waiting for an answer he glanced around the field in every direction. "Where's your speeder? Surely you have one? There's no outpost around here for miles, and no one could hike through this wilderness! What's your name?"

"Water . . ." Ella mumbled.

"'Water?'" the man repeated. "Never heard anyone called that before. Still, it's a big galaxy and it takes all sorts–"

"No. No." Ella shook her head. "I want water. A drink. I've been through quite a lot."

The man raised his eyebrows. "So it appears." He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small pack of tablets. "Take one of these. Hydration tablets, in case you ever crash land far away from any water. One of those should keep you going for a few hours. Erm, they might be a bit old though."

Ella took the packet with undisguised suspicion, and didn't open them.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"Me? My name is Lance Dare," he said proudly. "Trader, pilot, occasional philosopher and part time rogue. Problem is, I'm rather poor at all of them. Born rich and worked my way down every blasted rung of the ladder. Not much left now I'm afraid. Barely five thousand credits to my name. You?"

"Ella," she answered. "Ward to King Garrand. I've been out all night and–"

Lance's expression changed at once. "Come with me," he said, offering his hand. She took it and was surprised at his strength as he heaved her up. "I've got a ship nearby. You can hide here with us until things calm down."

Quickly, he guided her over toward the Marl trees and out of the open.

"What do you mean?" Ella gasped.

"The Empire has come to Farsalt," he explained. "They came late last night. A Star Destroyer has taken position up over the capital. Two more Star Destroyers are in orbit covering each hemisphere. They've blocked planetary communications and it seems they have landed troops."

"They've joined the Reaver?"

"No. That left the system a few hours earlier." Lance stopped short. Ella banged into him. He stared into her eyes with an intense expression on his face. "But if you're here, then who did the Empire take back to the Reaver? We were told that it was you. A search party from the palace checked the wreckage the TIE left and found the bodies of Colonel Arnaud and his security team. They found your speeder near the cairn–"

"That was Tayre's," Ella explained. "I switched the ID on our speeders to teach her a lesson for trying to track me." The consequences hit her: Arnaud dead, Tayre gone. "You mean they've taken her? Why?"

"We thought they had taken you both!" Lance exclaimed. Suddenly, his face lit up and he dared to laugh. "Ha! The Force is with us today! You're still here. That's something." He clapped his hands and ran deeper into the shade of the Marl.

Ella shook her head in puzzlement.

"Obviously . . ." she said. "I'm still here. Wherever 'here' is!"

Lance turned back to her. "We're thirty miles from the capital," he said. "But where did you come from anyhow?"

"From the wreckage. My speeder was lost there. I left it last night."

"Impossible. That's miles away. Now I'm no expert on Farsalt but I know there are some nasty things that live in these Marl forests, especially in the reserves. No one could have made such a journey."

"I flew."

Lance's face broke into bewilderment.

"Without a speeder? Forgive me," he said, "but I don't think your anatomy would back that story up."

"Old Moss, the hydrobloat. He carried me here," Ella explained. "They aren't entirely stupid animals, you know. They recognise the wardens and have been known to form attachments to people, over time. And he knows me."

"If you say so. Can't say I've ever heard one doing so before. Still, like I said, I'm no expert on Farsalt. Now, come on, my ship's just over–"

"Don't move!" A voice ordered from directly beside Ella.

She turned a fraction and found herself gazing down the barrel of a blaster. It was held by an Imperial scout trooper.

A second trooper stepped up behind Lance Dare and pointed his blaster into the small of the man's back.

"Rebel scum!" the Imperial muttered. "Put your hands up and walk."

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Ella has no choice but to trust the man known as Lance Dare, but in a galaxy so caught up in strife, is that wise? But does she even have a choice?

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