Chapter 20: The Incident

Start from the beginning

           "We didn't listen because they were faking it," Maddie screamed. "Ghost scum and mystic freaks don't feel human emotions or pain."

            "Yes, we do," Alain growled. "For the sake of the gods, what is wrong with you two. We've given you all the facts. We've shown you real proof of our emotions, our love, yet you still deny it in favor of your delusions."

          "Maybe it's because they can't really understand us as much as they want," Lena sneered, which is strange for the sweet and kind nature siren. "We're beyond anything science can figure out and they hate that. It's quite simple. What humans don't understand, they fear."

            "Salem in the 1600's, anyone," Krinos said.

            "You're just like that stupid night siren," Jack glared. "She deserves to be six feet under."

           White's eyes flashed gold, thankfully only being noticed by Danny and Aqualad. They knew that this was not gonna end well. When White gets mad, nothing good comes out of it. The anger of a siren is nothing to be taken lightly.

           "She is only dead because you killed her," White screamed, making the class gasp. "All she was doing was trying to rescue her friends. She wanted to stop their pain, but you killed her. You used a blood blossom bullet and shot her in the heart. You took an innocent soul, and destroyed it. All over your stupid delusion that her mind was evil. Well, I have had it."

             "It's like you're both head cases," Danny says. "So deep into your own delusion that you can't see what is right in front of you. You caused Phantom and Siren more pain than anything you have said they've done. You've killed a siren just because of your selfish beliefs and need to be right. So, for the love of the gods, just SHUT UP."


           Phantom was strapped to a metal table in the Fenton lab. His red and green blood showed. Gold Siren was stuck in a cage that had a slight glow from the power dampening tech. He stared at his brother, more worried than he's ever been in his life.

          Phantom couldn't go anywhere from the ecto-cuffs on his wrists and ankles. Not that he had the strength from the last east experiment they conducted. They still stood over him. The vivisection scars will forever haunt his chest and mind.

            "For the love of the gods, please," Siren pleaded. "Stop. Can't you see you're hurting him."

           "Shut up, freak," Jack yelled at him.

             "We all know your minds can't feel pain or love," Maddie snapped at him. "So stop pretending."

            "I'm begging you, stop," Siren pleaded again. "He's all I have."

           "Not only is he a freak, but a fag as well," Jack glared. "They just get worse by the second."

         Siren couldn't hold back his disgusted face from showing. They actually thought that he and Phantom were... together. Now that is just wrong.

           "Okay. Gay, yes. With him, not a chance in the Mystic Isles," Siren swore.

           "Of course not," Maddie sneered. "You'd have to feel love to be with someone."


            "White," a soft girl voice said. "Wake up! Don't make me smack you."

           Siren opened his eyes. He came face to face with another siren, but on the other side of the bars.

            "Nyx," he gasped, in relief.

            The siren of the night smiled at him. She had black hair and was dressed in a knee-length black dress covered in silver sparkled, like stars. She had two belts, one pearl and one sapphire. Around her neck was a milky way infinity scarf and an amethyst cape. She had black flats. Out of her back was a pair of pitch black sparkling wings.

            "You are a sight for sore eyes, Nyx," Siren smiled.

         "When you and Phantom didn't show up to help me deal with some goblins causing trouble, I knew something was wrong," she said.

           "Your timing couldn't be better," Siren says. "Undo his cuffs before that ectoranium does some real damage to him."

           Nyx quickly went over to the trapped ghost boy. As she started to undo the first of the shackles, Siren saw the lab door open. The Fentons had come back.

         "Nyx, you need to hide," he tried to warn his friend.

         The adults saw the siren, who had not heard the warning. Maddie picked up a gun that Siren knew was full of blood blossom bullets.

          "NYX," Siren yelled.

           The siren turned around, only to get shot by the bullet. It went right to her heart, leaving no hope for the cure that Phantom and Frostbite had created. Siren saw the light leave her eyes as she fell. She was dead before she hit the floor. All that was left was a few feathers, the spoils of war when a siren falls

       Siren lost it. He screamed louder than he's ever screamed before. The overwhelming amount of power he released was almost enough to level a whole city. It broke through the magic dampening cage, destroying it. Both heroes vanished before either adult really knew the true extent of the damage they had caused.

          On the Isle of Sirens was a statue of Nyx, among all the other statues of fallen sirens. And under the statue was the saying for all the sirens no longer with them. Now including the siren of the night.

           "May your melodies forever reside in our hearts and souls. Fly forever, even after you have fallen. Blessed be, our siren sister."

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