"But the best all in one," I say with a soft smile.

"Yup," Nikki confirms.

"Well I'll talk to you later I need to get back to work, see you later," I say turning back to my stacks of paper.

"Bye!" They say in unison. I laugh quietly at them I love them all to death it's just so funny to watch how they react to small things like that. I continue looking through the papers and papers looking at the teachers comments on what they had to say about the student and what they need to work on. I continue doing this for another hour until I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in," I yell not looking up from the papers I was looking through.

"You know you really shouldn't work so hard it can give you permant wrinkles," I hear a man say with a small chuckle then big strong arms wrap around me.

"That's nice," I reply looking through a couple more papers.

"No joke I have a friend who's a doctor," Liam says laughing quietly.

"Seriously Liam what do you need? I've got a lot of work to do," I say shaking my head.

"Well I wouldn't be a good boyfriend if I didn't get you lunch," he says. Just from hearing the word lunch I perk up a bit to look at him.

"You have lunch?" I ask looking at his blue eyes.

"Sure do," he says waving a Burger King's bag in front of me. My mouth starts to water just a bit just from the smell. I haven't eaten since six this morning which was a granola bar.

"Well...I guess I could stop and eat," I mutter.

"Of course you can!" Liam says with a smile. 

"Alright let me go to the bathroom," I say with a small smile. I quickly run to the bathroom then go back to my classroom to see my chair turned the other way. I start to walk closer to it when it spins around to show Liam sitting there with a smirk on his lips. I raise my eye brow at him, he then just pats his lap I walk over to him and sit on his lap. He smiles triumphently, making me roll my eyes at him. I grab the bag and grab a french frie quietly eating it, I moan in pleasure of the goodness.

"You really shouldn't do that you're turning me on," Li am whines. I smirk at him and move over his little friend.

"How about now?" I ask putting a little bit more pressure making him moan.

"No fair!" he says.

"Oh it isn't huh?" I ask. He nods. But before I notice it he starts to kiss me on the neck and giving me a hickey sucking on the soft spot on my neck.

"Liam," I breathe out.

"Ha! I win!" he says smiling triumphently doing a small happy dance. I roll my eyes quietly at him and start eating again. I finially finish and feel like a complete pig.

"Ughhhh I'm so fullllllllllllll," I whine.

"Well you should of seen it coming I mean damn you're like a vacum cleaner," Liam says shaking his head in disbelif.

"Shut up! I was so hungry!" I say hitting his shoulder playfully laughing resting my head on his shoulder.

"I love you," he whispers.

"I love you too," I reply back with a smile kissing his cheek.

"You know what's not fair?" he asks.

"Hmmmmmm," I say looking at him curiously.

"Not being able to have sex with my women because she's pregnant," he whines.

"I don't feel bad for you, my breasts hurt so much," I complain.

"Oh that sucks," he says.

"It does," I reply nodding my head in agreement.

"Well I think you're beautiful in every way," he says with a smile kissing my neck.

"Thanks but you won't think so when I'm farther in," I say shaking my head.

"How do you know?" he asks.

"Well I won't be as pretty I'll have a big ass stomach, canckles, big boobs, and I'll be exterimely emotional," I explain.

"So you think I'll leave you because of your stomach that holds a beautiful creation that's mine, because of your feet which I don't even look at, your boobs which are perfect in every which way, or that you'll be either happy, sad, or angry I'll leave you. You have low expectations," he says shaking his head.

"Well sorry for that but I make my expectations low so then if you stick around it makes me happier. I don't know I've just always done that," I say with a shrug.

"Well I promise you I'm not going any where, pinky promise," Liam holds up his pinkie making me laugh.

"Are we in like the first grade or what?" I ask laughing still, Liam pouts.

"I take pinkie promises very seriously," he says with a straight face.

"Oh okay then, I pinkie promise too," I say looping my pinkie around his.

"See was that so hard?" he asks me with a smile.

"Oh so difficult if you ask me," I reply back. He and I both sit there with goofy smiles on our faces both messing around. But could a pinkie promise mean that much? Or was he just joking around to make me laugh? All of these thoughts race through my mind as we both sit there. I mean what if he does leave or breaks my heart? Then what? What if he breaks his own pinkie promise? I guess I'll just have to find out myself when the time comes huh? I mean I really do love him, but what if he's just using me and playing with my feelings this the first time I've actually really been a couple with him again since he left. Well this sure as hell isn't high school any more so that should mean no drama right?

"Well I got to go," Liam says getting up kissing me on the forehead.

"Okay see you later tonight we're having spaghetti," I yell as he leaves. After that I get back to work so I can go home and see my little girl. Once I finish I quickly go grab a taxi and head on home.

"Hey!" I yell taking off my shoes.

"Hi," Gwen says walking up to me. I smile at her and pay her then she leaves.

"Hi Abella how was your day?" I ask walking to the living room.

"Good momma," she chirps looking at me.

"That's good baby girl were having spaghetti for dinner," I yell.

"Yay!" she cheers doing a little happy dance. Then she runs into the kitchen.

"Can I help?" she asks me. I nod and we soon make dinner together until Liam gets home then have dinner. It feels good to be a family to know someone is there for you when times are tuff.

AN: Well hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and enjoying this story I told you I'll be updating a lot more than I used to! Any way Vote, Comment, Fan, Add to Library!

Always Been You...Liam (Done but needs to be Editied)Where stories live. Discover now