"Because you're stuck in my mates prison damn it, and you've gone head first off the deep end," I yelled, standing so abruptly that my chair slammed to the ground.

He looked calmly at the chair on the ground then back up at me.

"You weren't supposed to be here," he snarled, "I vowed I wouldn't hurt you again, and I'd kill everyone else on earth beside you just to keep that promise,"

I laughed.

"Ha, and what do you call biting me when you and your group attacked me?" I scoffed.

He looked at me in silence until I stopped laughing humorlessly.

"Lexi, you and I both know that I could have killed you in seconds," he reminded me.

"I'm not the same weak little girl you attacked three years ago," I growled.

"And I'm not the same teenage guy who had too much to drink," he shrugged, leaning back in his chair.

"Two years we dated. Two," I spat, "but you just couldn't wait,"

"It wasn't my fault, I had too much to drink at the party," he argued, "one mistake,"

"Our whole relationship was a mistake," I scoffed.

"You and I both know that's not true," he laughed dryly.

"Yes it is," I spun, so I was facing the door.

"Lexi, take a second and stop lying to yourself. Besides the very end, we had the best relationship. People thought we would end up as mates. Any point in our two years, was better than your relationship with Carter! Stop being so blind. You need to open your eyes and see that you deserve to be treated better!" He yelled.

Screw restraint and self control.

Spinning around, I slapped him with all my might.

He looked at me in stunned silence.

"Shut up," I cried, "just shut up,"

He clenched his jaw and looked up at me.

"You. Know. I'm. Right," he said slowly.

Backing up against the dirt wall, I slid down it.

"It doesn't matter," I murmured.

Once sitting, I put my face in the palms of my hands.

He was right.

My time with Carter had been bumpy at its best.

"You could have saved yourself the trouble if you'd just let me mark you," Blake spat, and I looked at him.

Now what was he talking about.

"Huh?" I asked.

"If you mate with someone before your actual mate then the bond is broken. I was afraid I was going to lose you, which is why I pressured you," he explained.

"But earlier, how did you know Carter hadn't marked me?" I asked.

"You still have the same scent as years ago, rather than of that hotshot," he shrugged.

"Call him that again," I warned, clicking my taser quickly so he could hear it, "I dare you,"

"Fine, but let me ask this. Why'd you make Carter leave?" He asked.

Walking over to him, I put his cuffs back on him.

"Because Carter already knows what you did to me, but he doesn't know we dated," I began to explain.

Arrogant Alpha, My Mate(AAMM)Where stories live. Discover now