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"Honey were here." My mother nudge me so I could wake up and when I did I saw many people look our way.

We took a bus to Busan in order for no one to see us. My mom's job let her finally have a job here in Busan. Now all I need is to go to school. Besides It is my Junior year.

We got off the bus taking our stuff with us. I had a backpack on me while she had almost the whole house.

She lead the way to the house that was pretty small.

"Here it is." She says opening the door to a nice simple place.

"Mom. This is pretty small."

She sighed. "Don't you start."

"I'm sorry." I was so used to a huge house with my dad that all I could think is about how crowded I'm going to be.

"You're room is right next to the bathroom and mine is going to be right in front of it." She smiled.

"I already applied you to your school. We are leaving in......" She looked at her watch.
"About 3 hours...... so here's your clothes" she gave me a uniform that I wanted to throw up on. They call it public school yet they make us look like if we were nerds.
"Now hurry and get some sleep." She hits my arm and smiles widely.

I grabbed her arm and pushed her into a hug. I kissed her head that was now on my chest weeping. "Everything is going to be alright mom. Don't worry, I'll promise to change our life."

I pushed her so she could look at me and she looked at my eyes. "You have his eyes." She put her hand on my cheek and began to move it slowly. I knew it hurt her a lot so I pushed her hand away.

"Don't hurt yourself......"

"I'll try." She hugged me one more time and kissed my cheek.

When I entered, the room was extremely small. All it had was a bed and a closet. It was very crowded. Good thing I didn't have a lot of clothes.

I immediately changed so when I wake up I could just go to school.

3 hours later

I woke up to my phone ringing the alarm.

I took my backpack and went to go check on my mom's room. I saw that she had what look like a beer in her hand, but actually I was glad to see it was a sugar soda. I sighed looking at her just laying down there a little depressed.

I checked my phone to see what time it was.


"Shit I'm gonna be late." I cursed quietly.

I quickly closed her door and began to walk to the school. I asked directions for people on the way and one kind old lady told me what bus to take.

I quickly walked or jogged, what ever it was, to the school and entered the principal's office.

"Ah." He got up to shake my hand. "You must be Lim Jaebum." I shaked his hand back and asked me to sit down.

"Here is going to be your schedule for today." He handed me a piece of paper.
"I'm sorry I can't show you your classes, I have a bunch of work to do since football season is almost over. If your interested in joining any sports team, just try out.

"Thank you sir, I'll try to find my class."

"That's it." He patted my shoulder and smiled. "Have a good day today." I smiled and left the room.

The school was much bigger than the other one, and it was more nicer.

All I could do was admire the ceilings, they were pure glass.

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