Heat Haze Days | Shu x Valt

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*based off the song Heat Haze Days by Hatsune Miku

A single figure lays in bed, crimson eyes slowly opening to the sun emerging through the bedroom curtains. I slowly sit up and rub my eyes, reaching for my phone on the nightstand. The bright screen reads: August 15th, 12:28pm.

I sigh and throw the covers tangled around my legs back, and start getting dressed. After that, I say good-bye to my mother and jog towards the bey stadium at the park where I promised Valt a battle. The bluenette sits on the steps with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Hey, Valt." The smaller boy looks over and instantly a grin covers his face.

"Hey, Shu!" He jumps to his feet. "Ready for a battle?" he asks excitedly.

I nod and show him Spryzen.


We both take our positions and launch our beys into the stadium. Almost instantly, Spryzen bursts Valtreyk. "Aww, man, I lost," Valt says gloomy. "I demand a rematch!"

I laugh and pick up Spryzen. I didn't notice the way Valt had his launcher tilted the wrong way, and as we both launched our beys, Valtreyk goes flying through the air. "No!" Valt shrieks, "Valtreyk!"

The beyblade rolls into the street, and Valt chases after it, jumping right out in front of a traffic light that changed from green to red, bright red.

My eyes widen in horror. "Valt! Get out of there!" I yell and start to chase after him.

The bluenette looks over at me and then at the giant semitruck that isn't slowing down. The truck hears my scream a little bit too late.

He doesn't have any time as it smashes into his body, throwing him to the ground. The crimson blood splatters everywhere, drenching Valt in blood and my black pants, his twisted body making me want to hurl as I cover my mouth with my hands. "V-Valt..." I stutter in horror.

Blood dripping everywhere and choking his smell of hair, I breath in a gulp of air and I just can't take it.

Tears stream down my face and I hear laughter, immediately ripping my horrified gaze away to see a figure on the other side of the street. He wears a gray mask with red highlights on the edges and a black symbol in the middle, a long white coat, and a black suit with red highlights. The heat of the haze laughs mockingly and his eyes narrow, a sickeningly sweet smile forming on his face. "This is all real," he taunts.

And as the sound of disturbed crickets cry, the summer blue fades into darkness....

A single masked figure stands in a room full of clocks mounted on the walls. He walks past one and smears blood on it....

I wake up with a start, the sounds of a ticking clock and disturbed crickets crying lingering in my ever-ringing head. I sit up and grab my phone from the nightstand to check the time: August 14th, 12:04pm.

There isn't a cloud in the sky; the sun is shining down. It would be a pretty day if it weren't for the off feeling that something isn't right. I try to ignore it and stand up, getting dressed but ignoring my mother as she says good-bye before I walk out.

I meet Valt at the bey stadium, who is sitting on the steps with a thoughtful look.

"Hey...Valt.." The smaller boy looks over and instantly a grin covers his face.

"Hey, Shu!" He jumps to his feet. "Ready for a battle?" he asks excitedly.

I nod hesitantly and show him Spryzen. "S-sure..." 'I feel as if I've re-lived this day...' I think. 'Hmm, must just be deja vu.'

We both take our positions and launch our beys into the stadium. Almost instantly, Spryzen bursts Valtreyk. "Aww, man, I lost," Valt says gloomy. "I demand a rematch!"

The bluenette clicks Vatreyk back into place but I grab his wrist before he can launch his bey.

"Uh, I'm not really feeling good," I lie. "Can we just go back to my place?"

Valt frowns but nods. "Sure."

He takes my hand and we start walking into the heart of the town and towards my apartment. He swings our interlinked hands, humming happily a little toon. I don't even realize what is above us until I see people shouting and pointing above our heads. Construction workers fixing a building shout at Valt and I to "look out!" and three metal poles fall from the building and towards us.

My eyes widen in horror as Valt releases my hand and walks in front of me. The metal poles clang to the ground and one impales Valt.

A strangled shriek catches in Valt's throat that echoes through the trees. Ringing an old wind chime that echoes throughout the sky, and filling my lungs with air, I just can't take it.

Are these lies?

The same familiar masked figure stands on the side of the street, saying mockingly, "Bet you wish you were asleep but it's not a dream."

It might have been the horror and shock deluding me, but a smile twitches along Valt's lips as I fall back into the heat haze....

Walking up stairs. Death. Walking outside. Death. Faulty fan. Death. Choking on food. Death. 10 years must have gone by - I realized that by now - as I'm stuck in this sick cycle, watching the bloody clocks tick away until they stop at Valt's death. But in this story, there must be only one ending. It has to exist beyond this repeating summer day...

A sad smile reaches my lips as I grab onto Valt's wrist, stopping him from launching Valtreyk into the stadium.

"Y'know, I love you, Valt."

The bluenette looks up at me with a blush before nodding and hugging me. "Yeah.. I love you, too, Shu!"

A single tear drips down my face as I kiss Valt's cheek, making him giggle and accidentally drop his bey as it rolls into the street...

Crashing in and hitting me instead of him, I push Valt aside to nearly dodge the truck. Blood dripping everywhere and choking my smell of hair, he breaths in a gulp of air and just can't take it.

I haven't heard the masked figure say, "this is all real," so I look at the figure with a mocking and almost triumphant smile and say, "Serves you right."

Maybe this summer day has finally gone away, but I see a single glimpse of a figure standing beside Valt who looks exactly like him except missing the yellow beaded headband. My eyes widen in shock as I realize this summer day must be the same for Valt,

but this is where it ends now...

August 14th, 11:37am a boy awakens from bed, the sun shining in his eyes. He sits up and tries to ignore the tears, blinking them away from his hazel eyes. "I failed this time, too," as he holds Valtreyk cradled in his hands...

Valt × Shu Oneshots: Beyblade BurstDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora