Drown in Liquid Gold | Valt x Shu

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" his eyes are a deep hazel color, with flecks of liquid gold . you are entranced by it so much you forget you can also drown . "


The first time I saw Valt Aoi, it was his eyes that caught my attention. They are a hazel-chocolate color that I felt like I could have drowned in. I wish that I could have held onto that feeling longer as I watched him turn around and leave; he had better things to do.

The sun is bright. It is a blinding bright color that seems to always lead you on the right path. Though I think it is kind of drowning, being swept away in the light.

The moon is dark. It is a dim shadowy color that seems to always lead you on the wrong path. That is what I think it is. I sometimes wish that I could reach out and touch the sun, to feel the warmth under my cold fingertips. But every time I reach out, I seem to back away farther, farther from Valt then before.

Valt is always surrounded by his friends which makes me seem small and insignificant compared to them. Maybe I'm just not meant to reach out, to touch the sun. Am I just the awkward tag along that has no friends? It does kinda feel like that sometimes. Valt always drags me along, but it's not like I can complain.

I sigh as I trudge along the sidewalk, my shoes echoing noisily. It is sunny yet deserted as most students from Beigoma Academy High School are off to have fun from the break of school and to bask in the glory of it being a Thursday, Friday awaiting tomorrow. I had been asked to join a few groups of students my age, but I knew I wouldn't fit in. They probably just wanted hang out with me because I'm 'famous'.

Besides, I received a text a few minutes ago from Valt asking if we could hang out.

I finally arrive before the Aoi household and I knock lightly against the door. After a few seconds, it slams open and a pair of wide, bright eyes shine into mine. "Hello, Nika."

"Oh, hi, Shu!" The little girl chirps cheerfully. "I forgot Valt asked you to come over." I smile lightly and walk into the main hall where I slip out of my shoes and climb my way up the stairs and knock lightly against Valt's bedroom door. Slowly, the door swings open and I'm met with the sight of Valt polishing Valtreyk with a white cloth. The scene looks familiar to me as the bluenette looks up.

His hazel eyes brighten. "Shu! You're finally here!"

I nod and sit beside him. "Yup." I look around the room and back at Valt. "Where are your friends?"

Valt raises an eyebrow, tilting his head to the side curiously. "What are you talking about? I just invited you over so we could spend some time together."

My face dusts a light pink. It's never been just me and Valt alone in a while. He always seemed busy and swept away. It's not like I was any different; I trained every day with Spryzen.


"I mean, if that's okay with you?"

I nod and smile softly. "Yeah, I miss just the two of us hanging out." Valt grins - is it just me, or is his face pink - and starts to babble on about something to do with Valtreyk, myself throwing comments here and there.


It's about midnight when Shu wakes up. It's hot and stuffy inside as he sits up and wipes his forehead with the back of his hand. The albino crawls out of the blankets tangled around him and peeks out of the window curtains. He reaches out and unlatches the window, pushing it to the side. He closes his eyes and savors the cool breeze that brushes through his white-silvery hair.

Valt × Shu Oneshots: Beyblade BurstWhere stories live. Discover now