Roses | Valt x Red Eye/Shu

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The first thought that crossed Valt's mind once he saw Red Eye was roses. Instead of the piercing and glaring, calculating blood-red eyes everyone saw, Valt saw the soft color of red roses, yet harsh as the thorns could prick you. He had once asked Honcho about his thoughts on the masked blader.

"Red Eye? He's kinda, strange. He doesn't say much and seems to just glare at everyone. Why do you wanna know?"

Valt shrugs. "Just curious."

"Y'know what they say," Wakiya comments from beside Honcho, "curiosity killed the cat."

"Well, it's a good thing I'm not a cat," Valt says and springs to his feet.

Wakiya and Honcho internally face palm.


The next person Valt asks is Daigo.

"What I think of Red Eye? Well," Daigo cradles his head on his hand, "he's really mysterious, so I can't really tell what he's like. Though I definitely know he's cold."

Valt hums. "Yeah, he's not totally heartless though. Remember the first time we saw Red Eye and I almost fell into the dark abyss where it would kick you out of the Snake Pit? He saved me from falling."

"But we lost against him and fell down anyways," Daigo deadpans.


The black-haired male stares at Valt intently. "Why are you so intent on finding the good qualities in Red Eye?"

"Just curious."

"If you want to know so bad, go meet him yourself," Daigo says sarcastically.

"That's a great idea, Daigo!" Valt jumps to his feet and sprints out the room, not before saying, "thanks!"

"I didn't mean that literally...."


The moon shines eerily through the dark puffy clouds attempting to block it from sight. A slight drizzle of rain falls onto the country of Mexico, puddles forming in dips on the road. Valt walks through it all, ignoring it as he feet take him somewhere.

Valt stops beneath an old oak tree, watching drops of rain slide off the branches and plop to the muddy ground. He suddenly hears a familiar, deep voice.

"What are you doing here? It's late out."

Valt turns around to be greeted with the familiar red-and-black mask. "I could ask you the same thing."

Red Eye shrugs. "I'm a night owl." In truth, the white-silvery haired male was starting to retreat back to his apartment when he saw Valt.

"I wanted to see you."

"Why?" Red Eye asks, confusion evident in his voice.

Valt tilts his head to the side, completely ignoring Red Eye's question. "Your eyes remind me of roses."

Red Eye is taken aback from Valt's statement. It certainly isn't every day you hear that, especially addressed to a 'villain'.

"Umm, thank you?"

"So, when are you going to admit you are Shu?" Valt questions.

"Shu Kurenai is gone - "

"Doubt it." Valt speaks with determination. "I may not be the smartest, but I know Shu better than anyone else."

Red Eye huffs a frustrated sigh, internally panicking but keeping on his calm, cool façade. "You never knew me. Or him," he adds quickly.
"See! You just admitted it."

Red Eye merely rolls his eyes and starts to walk away. Valt chases after the 'villain' and walks side-by-side. Red Eye doesn't even spare him a glance, just furrowing his eyebrows in response.

"Why are you following me?"

"Why are you running away?"

"I'm not running away!" Red Eye growls. Valt shrugs and soon regrets not bringing an umbrella as he gets soaked to the bone. It doesn't seem to affect Red Eye at all though; he just keeps walking.

"Are we there yet?" Valt whines.

An irk mark throbs on Red Eye's forehead. "I never asked you to come with me." He stops in his tracks, forcing Valt to do the same. "In fact, why don't you go away before you catch a cold," he demands coldly.

" you are nice," Valt concludes.

Red Eye whips around to face Valt. "I am not your friend, if that's what you're implying."

"You don't want me to catch a cold. Y'know, Daigo and Rantaro think you're this really mean person but you're still the same ol' Shu."

"I am NOT Shu," Red Eye hisses venomously.

"Prove it."


"Prove you're not Shu; take off your mask."

"NO." Red Eye scowls yet inside he feels his heart ache a little, the most feeling he has felt in a while. He tried to grow stronger, to destroy Lui, but the more he stays around the bluenette, the more his heart starts to race and his cheeks turn pink. That's probably why he even made his presence clear to Valt. If it was anyone else, he wouldn't say a word and continue on his walk. But his stupid feelings towards the bluenette slowly start to break his cold and heartless façade.

"Then you're Shu."

"I'm NOT. He is gone, forever," Red Eye denies.


"I don't lie!" Red Eye scoffs and walks faster, making Valt run to catch up. He reaches a hand out and grabs the back of Red Eye's white coat, stopping the albino.

"What?!" Red Eye hisses as he whips around. But before he can do or say anything else, a wosh! of air and the clatter of the plastic mask makes his red vision disappear into color. He places a hand on his face and feels his nose. 'Sh*t!' he thinks as his white-silvery hair covers his right eye.

A grin tugs at the corner of Valt's lips as he stares into blood-red eyes. "Knew it!"

Shu's eyes narrow. "So what - ?"

Shu is interrupted as a pair of hands gently grab the sides of his head and soft lips brush lightly against his. Shu's eyes widen and he stumbles back, making him crash to the muddy ground with Valt on top of him. He winces but sinks into the kiss.

Shu pulls away breathlessly. "Knew you couldn't resist me, evil or not," Valt snickers.

"Oh, shut up," Shu growls and pulls Valt into another kiss.

Valt × Shu Oneshots: Beyblade BurstWhere stories live. Discover now