DIY dyed tips!

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Trash bag

Medium sized bowl/pot


2 towels

Kool-aid packet of choice




Set Up:

Lay a trash bag out where the pot will be.  Add a towel or potholder so the trash bag doesn't burn.

Boil 2 cups of water

Tie however much hair you want dyed up with a rubberband


Add the kool-aid mix to the boiling water and then bring it off the stove.  Put it on the potholders on the trash bag.

Add a towel on the edge of the pot so you don't burn yourself.  Leave the other towel to the side but close by.

Slowly lower your hair into the mixture and let it sit for 10 min.

Once done, take the towel, folded over twice, and grab your hair. 

Squeeze out the excess dye.  For quicker drying time, use a hair dryer.  It will help keep in the color longer as well.

Wala!  Dyed hair!!

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