A Heart Full of Fear

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She shuddered.

A form lay hidden in between the  tall brittle stalks of a dusty field.

Snap. . .The sharp sound of sticks and brittle grass crunching beneath one's foot rang out loud and clear in the silent morning air.

The young girl crouching in the long over grown prairie grass began to shake. Another snap sounded, closer this time. Her eyes widened and her heart began to beat faster and faster until she was sure it would beat right out of her chest.

Holding her breath, she stayed silent and still, though every instinct and every muscle in her body urged her to run, to flee.

The rustling slowly faded moving away from where the girl was hiding until she could no longer hear it.

1...2...3...The girl counted to ten silently in her head before letting out the breath she didn't know she'd been holding. Waiting a little while longer the girl slowly pushed herself up so that she was standing.

Turning, she took a deep breath before stepping forward, opposite of the direction the noise had come from.

She'd taken no more than three steps before another snap sounded. Sharp, quick, and loud. Her heart thumped in her chest, her body shook, and her eyes widened in fear. Glancing down, she quietly scolded herself for being so careless when she saw a broken branch underneath the toe of one of her old worn out boots.

She waited...Stock still, quiet, and trembling with fear. Seconds passed by, each seeming to last an eternity.

Finally, after ten minutes, the girl let out a breath before taking in another sharp one. Shakily, she deemed it safe and ran a tan, scar scathed hand through her long matted mess of tangle ratty curls, so dirty she couldn't even tell what color her hair truly was under all the layers of grime.

Shifting her weight she sighed quietly before moving to continue on her way. Suddenly she froze as something shot out from the dusty stalks, and grabbed her arm holding her in a vice-like grip.

The girl's body went rigid, frozen to the spot as a deep voice full of hate smugly growled in her ear. "Where do ya think youŕe going little one?" The ugly sound seemed to snap the girl back to her senses, the girl began to struggle her mouth open as if to scream but no sound came out.

She turned as she struggled to get a glimpse of what held her captive. Her eyes seemed to open even wider, her whole face contorted with fear. It was a hunter. Pictures of faces and memories swarmed her eyes as she remembered the last times she had a run in with one. Neither time was pleasant. She had to get away.

The hold the hunter had on her arm was already painful as he tightened his grip. Taking hold of her other arm as well, the hunter turned her so that she was standing in front, her back towards him with her arms held tightly behind.

The man spoke once more, purring menacingly. "Stay still unless you want me to slit your throat right now."

Something hit the side of her head as she continuously screamed silent screams, tears streaming down her face. The blow dazed her and she stopped struggling as dark spots threatened her vision. Another blow struck the side of her head, and this time, the girl's vision darkened completely. But not before she caught the fleeting glimpse of what looked like a bird flying above in lazy circles. Drifting softly not a care in the world.

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