Chapter 24

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Justin? I don't even know Justin!
And obviously I am sure about who I dated.
It was Josh.

"Fred, it was Josh. I don't even know Justin!"

"Elsa. Trust me."

That was confusing.

"Uhm. Fred do you have any picture of Justin?" I asked.

"He might be there in my old pictures but I don't have any of them with me right now," he said.

"I really need to see who he is," I said.

"You were talking about a diary Elsa. Where is it?," Fred asked.

"Wait I'll just bring it."
Saying this I went to the cupboard and brought the diary to him.

He looked through it and read whatever was written in it.

"Ya I recognize Elise's handwriting. This must be her personal diary or something, but it's useless," saying this he threw it on the couch.

But Fred has always been bad at aiming and the diary fell on the floor.
I let out a chuckle and went to pick it up when I saw something beside it.

It was a photograph.
A photograph of Elise, Fred heart froze..Josh.

That photo must have slipped out of the diary.

"Fred, see here you are, in this picture. You're standing with Josh."

Fred seemed perplexed and took the picture from my hand.

"No Elsa. This is Justin. That son of a bitch. While I was dating Elise, he was our friend but one day Elise told me that he tried to abuse her sexually. I lost my temper and confronted him, and he denied.
Later I checked out his computer while he wasn't there and I saw pictures of girls, including you.
Whom he raped. He actually took pictures of that Elsa. I didn't know you back then but when we first met, I immediately recognised you."

I was shocked.
"Why didn't you tell this to me back then?" I asked.

"Because I couldn't make you upset. I didn't want those memories to haunt you again," he said with tears in his eyes.

"Oh Fred! I kissed his cheeks and caressed them. But why did you kill him?" I asked.

"I lost it when I saw those pictures and I waited for him to be back. He took seconds to realise what happened and to avoid any legal consequences, he attacked me. I was just trying to protect myself Elsa and somehow I just killed him.
I didn't want to, though."

I held my forehead, thinking about the mess we had got into.

"Fred. He is back. Josh is here. But I don't understand. What's the thing with this hotel? Why is everyone targeting us here?" I asked.

"I don't know about others. But I know why Justin..Josh is here. Because he is buried under this hotel."

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