Chapter 16

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I wish I could tell Derek all that happened but I feared the fact that it would make him all the more depressed. He was already way too upset after Angelica went missing.

But if he knew that I killed her, how could he not know about what she did and why I killed her.

There was so much that I had to find out.
And I knew that all those answers were hidden somewhere in that suite. While I was thinking about all this, I heard footsteps outside.

It was strange but I didn't feel scared at all, maybe because I had already experienced so much.
Within a minute Fred entered the suite.

"Where is Angelica?" I asked.
"She had to go for some work so she couldn't stay," he replied.

"Fred, can we please go out for a walk?" I pleaded.

"Okay, sure."
I was expecting a no but to my surprise that didn't happen.
I grabbed my purse and we went out.

We were quiet for some five minutes when Fred finally spoke up.
"Elsa, I don't know what is happening to me. Please help me. I am turning into someone I don't want to."

My heart ached for him.
I could see 'my Fred' once again.

"Fred, I can do anything for you. Just don't fight with me. You have been acting so strange since the day we came here," I said.

"I know, I know. But it is unexplainable. All that is happening to me is something beyond that I can understand. Well, actually no. I somewhat know what is happening here and why it is happening."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

By that time we had reached a park so we sat on a bench there.

"Elsa, please don't be mad at me. Elise was my girlfriend. Many years back I was in a relationship with her. Then one day we found that she was pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl. I wasn't ready to become a father that early so I asked her to get them aborted but she didn't agree. We fought a lot over it and then finally broke up. We never spoke to each other again.
I had no clue she was a receptionist in this hotel.
I was shocked to see her.
But that day when the waiter told us that she committed suicide, I tried to collect information about her.
And it turned out to be true.
She is dead.
The reason why she killed herself is not known but it is said that before jumping off the balcony, she killed her kids, I mean the twins, in the bathtub. They were probably eight years old."

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