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Friend:*talking to me*Can you give me the link?I really need it..

My thought:

My thought:

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(Credits to TheLigth on Deviantart)

HahaXDD Seriously! Why he comes up into my mind whenever people asking for a linksXD Anyway,is it true that it could be happen to you?

I'm actually not the fan much of it but since I fell in love with the game for the first time I've watched it on Youtube (duh..because of my sister),I love it and then I feel wanna play it too but it's okay. All I can do is just watching someone else to play itXD....*sigh*.... Well,I'm still new into it since 18/2/2018(I guess) so yeah..

Questions:Who else is The Legend of Zelda fan?HANDS UP,PEEPS!!

Ps..Also have a nice day!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2018 ⏰

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