#4-Tagged by be_goofy-

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I've got tagged by be_goofy- and thanks for that btw. I will write down the questions if you have a problem with the internet

1.What inspired your username?:I have no idea..I just make it up,you know it's random username that came out from my mind

2.Current fandom:
Sonic Boom
Maybe others cartoon show that I'm too lazy to mentioned

3.Who got you hooked on Wattpad?:My cousin..She told me to install Wattpad by myself since she found it as annoying when I wanted to read the stories in Wattpad used her phone,haha

4.List the top 3 facts you want people to know about you:
Well,I already have told you about this one but meh..
I am Muslim
I can be mean sometimes but once you get know me,I am very loyal and friendly
I like eating spicy food

5.Describe yourself using emojis:Err,well okay then...
😉😊🤔😑😪😡😟(I have no idea actuallyXDD Hope you get it)

6.Tag the person(s) whom you would be willing to be stranded on an island with:
Honestly,no one..I could probably survive by myself,if only I can be with my family...

7.be_goofy- 's question:Would you rather jump off a cliff or cheat on your boyfriend?
This is too easy. I don't have boyfriend right now(who cares anyway) so I don't need to cheat someone. I hate cheating after all and I don't want to jump off a cliff because I still have a life and I don't want to waste it(:P)So,the answer is none:)

My question:What's your favourite color(s)?

Tagged 10 random people:










Done..You guys don't hafta do it if you don't want to. Have a good day,folks!

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