Chapter 12

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Everyone was downstairs waiting on Sara and me I walked over to the guest room to see if she was ready.

I knocked a couple of times then opened the door she was staring in the mirror crying.

"I can't so this Shay." Sara said.

I walked up to her helping her fix her eye shadow and masquera.

"Yes you can Sara let me tell you a story when my grandfather died I was a mess I thought I couldn't go on anymore but you know what I got over it and I didn't let the feelings keep me from my life and that what you gotta do." I said walking Sara out of the room and downstairs.

We all loaded up into the car and headed over to the church.


"As of today we celebrate the life of Daniel Martin he was a good husband, brother, son, and friend as a child Daniel was so happy every time he came over to my house to play with my son Randy he always had a smile on his face." The preacher said trying to hold back tears.

As we lowered the casket the pastor asked use to each pick up a handful of dirt and drop it on the casket it was me, then Ashley, Trojan, and Cooper then Sara came up saying her last and final words "I Love You!" and she dropped a red rose on the casket.

The casket was being covered completely we walked out of the cemetery to the song: Till the Casket Drops by ZZ Ward. Daniel loved that song.

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